Thursday, October 31, 2019
Critical assessment of the difficulties of implementing motivation Essay
Critical assessment of the difficulties of implementing motivation theories in the modern workplace - Essay Example Understanding of such problems would help improve employee response and motivation resulting in better output and achievement of organizational goals. 4 There are many motivation theories however most popular among them are behavioral theories of Maslow and Herzberg. The chief features of these theories needs to be understood before we can dwell on problems in their practical implementation. According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, there are five categories of needs viz. (1) physiological, (2) safety, (3) social, (4) esteem, and (5) self-actualization. They form a pyramid structure with the lowest and broadest physiological need at the base. Pyramid also illustrates the fact that breadth of needs, as we graduate up the pyramid, gets reduced indicating that the need is finely tuned and well defined. In order to have fully motivated workers each lower level needs to be satisfied before one can graduate to higher level needs. Maslow made a supplementary hypothesis that physiological, safety, social, and esteem needs on satisfaction, ceased to motivate, while the self-actualization needs motivated an individual more as they got satis fied. Maslow's premise was that it is the growth choice that propels an individual toward self-actualization - that of individual growth or "filling one's potential."(Maslow, 1954).A worker wise need analysis is a tough task and may even result in manager forgetting main work related goals. People are individual and it is so difficult to meet everyone's need at their required level. Such needs may be sourced outside the work place.Herzberg used Maslow's lead as a base to build his motivation-hygiene theory. According to him the hygiene elements relate to low level needs (physiological, safety, and social). For an individual, hygiene conditions include company policy and administration, supervision, relationships with peers and supervisors, work conditions, salary, status, and security (Markiewicz, 2002). Paucity of hygiene factors can lead to dissatisfaction or lack of motivation and account for 69% of the factors which cause employee dissatisfaction or lack of motivation. The motiv ation conditions, which include achievement, the job itself, recognition, responsibilities, and personal growth, accounted for 81% of the factors which contributed to job satisfaction. The hygiene conditions are extrinsic factors while the motivation conditions are intrinsic factors, and the only way to sustain motivation toward organizational goals is through the achievement of intrinsic outcomes. 5 Each of these theories carry ideas consistent with human nature, however each faces limitations within organizational settings. Because lower order needs are generally satisfied in the workplace today, managers have to deal with how to provide esteem and self-actualization to their employees, and that can be a nebulous concept to a manager who demands results immediately. As Stolovitch and Keeps state," Another
Monday, October 28, 2019
Experimentation Essay Example for Free
Experimentation Essay Cell Transport Mechanisms and Permeability: Activity 2: Simulated Facilitated Diffusion Lab Report Pre-lab Quiz Results You scored 100% by answering 4 out of 4 questions correctly. 1. Molecules need a carrier protein to help them move across a membrane because You correctly answered: d. they are lipid insoluble or they are too large. 2. Which of the following is true of facilitated diffusion? You correctly answered: c. Movement is passive and down a concentration gradient. 3. Examples of solutes that might require facilitated diffusion include You correctly answered: d. all of the above.Which of the following would not affect the rate of facilitated diffusion? You correctly answered: a. the amount of intracellular ATP 08/30/12 page 1 Experiment Results Predict Question: Predict Question 1: What effect do you think increasing the number of protein carriers will have on the glucose transport rate? Your answer : a. The glucose transport rate will decrease. For facilitated diffusion, increasing the concentration of glucose on one side of the membrane is the same as You correctly answered: b. making the concentration gradient steeper 3. When all of the membrane carriers are engaged, or busy, we say they are You correctly answered: a. saturated. Â Na+ Cl- had no effect on glucose transport because You correctly answered: b. odium is not required for glucose transport in the simulation. 08/30/12 page 3 Review Sheet Results 1. Explain one way in which facilitated diffusion is the same as simple diffusion and one way in which it is different from simple diffusion. Your answer: Simple diffussion moves molecules from an area of higher concentration to lower without an input of energy. facilitated follows the same rule but uses protein carrier molecules to allow substance that are fat solubles to diffuse through the cell membrane. The larger value obtained when more glucose carriers were present corresponds to an increase in the rate of glucose transport. Explain why the rate increased. How well did the results compare with your prediction? Your answer: My prediction was wrong the glucose transport rate would increase 3. Explain your prediction for the effect Na+ Cl- might have on glucose transport. In other words, explain why you picked the choice that you did. How well did the results compare with your prediction? Your answer: The rate should stay ther same 08/30/12 page 4
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Types of Exercise in Sports
Types of Exercise in Sports Sport was known as part of exercise where most people used to stay in healthy lifestyle. Exercise is the bodys physical exertion. The main function of exercise is to achieve a higher level of fitness and health, for both physically and mentally. Sport is an competitive,organized, skillful, and entertaining physical activity. To be the winner, the player requiring commitment, strategy, and fair play that can be defined by objective means. Sport was divided into few categories where it divided into different categories age and gender. This arrangement usually helps them in order to give a comfortable exercise to certain people. There will be not a old man are doing heavy exercise like going gym. Of course only to those who young want who they are full energetic. Human being will destroys the good condition for lack of activity, to save it and preserve it do some movement and methodical physical exercise. Sport exercise gives so many health advantages to people who take advantage from i t. Participating one on physical activities can add further years into yourself, and the more you will exercise, the more benefits that you get. You will also get to avoid health diseases and also delay our death when you regularly engage yourself upon physical activities as well as sport exercise. Light sport also known as simple exercise, were usually use by most people when they are having little time to exercise and have a problem of doing heavy exercise. It commonly practices by elder people, pregnant woman, patience and young children. This is the opposite of when a person is having an active lifestyle and exercising.  This study focused on the important of doing somethings to breaks throughout the day to stand up and move around. Step out from the environment you are, take quick walk outside, and walk up and down the stairs few times around the building. A light exercise involves small movement, time and energy to perform. Light exercise is a kind of exercise that usually causes less energy and stamina. It is also make the person less sweat and dehydrate too. Although to some people who is in this range feel that it make cause less tiredness, but it work within long term effect rather than do nothing. This exercise actually creates a light movement between the ank le, muscle joined and heartbeat. The moment when they do a walk, it takes a 3 combination and less energy to perform. The longer the person walks, the more tired they will be. This is because the effect of doing light type exercise in a long term. It also giving another long term effect is they will slowly overcome the matter of leg pain for long walk exercise. This exercise usually did not require any special attention and can be perform at any time as they wish. From home to office, from young to old doesnt give any problem. But it recommended for the person who listed earlier to perform for their capability over to stay in health. Here is some few example of light exercise which is categories of light exercise. They are walking, stretching body, Chinese Tai-chi, gardening, cycling, dumb bell and much more. The second type of exercise is so called medium exercise are usually perform for moderate person at different age. It doesnt care any of the gender arrangement or requirement. This medium exercise usually performs in small amount in time and to those loves to save time. This medium exercise requires an amount of concentration, energy or stamina, time and place. It also can be perform by a group of people and solo. It train a lot of body part and cause performer to sweat a lot dehydrate even much more compare to the light exercise. It might be also need some specified skill to perform on the right way because once they perform it on the wrong way, it may cause muscle cramp. For the short term effect, it may reduce smoker to smoke. This is because they might exhaust but only exercise reduces the chances of taking any nicotine and tar in their body. This will make the smoker not to take any cigarette as their throat is drying and if let say they smoke, this person might be in very high chance for getting throat cancer. In the long term effect of this medium exercise, it may bring a healthy lifestyle and physical attitude as well. The long term effect usually takes time to as to the person especially in their daily mood. The person who less exercise, their face is pale or looks tired but if compare with the person who do exercise, they have more energetic and confident looks. This effect also will bring close relationship and build up strong neighborhood if they done it together. But to some people who are disable, they also can perform sport as the part of their exercise. They perform in sport like track sport, field sport like futsal and more according to their convenience. It is proven where the is special sports day were introduce just for them. There are few example of medium type of exercise that practice by most people. They are cycling, walking uphill, jogging, Tae Kwan Do, swimming, running, and much more. This some part is actually providing sufficient li festyle to avoid any of negative impact or disease. Hard or professional type exercise is another kind of exercise where this involves to active people and to people loves diet. This type usually takes a lot of concentrations as to prevent any side causes or muscle injured too. Plus this exercise requires all of energy and full stamina. It also have to be assisted by professional incase of not clear or not sure about it. This exercise performs by athlete and to all active people. It takes all the energy and power to perform while it also takes a full concentration to play the sport. If suddenly the player lost concentration, it may cause a major injury and might be cause paralyze too. The physical activity involves the movement of people, animals and/or a variety of objects such as balls and machines or equipment. This professional exercise, usually require a place that suit to the sport like stadium, or gym center. It also can be perform on the game court too as to a game like basketball or tennis. This game gives everyone a chance t o practice on how to work with team and think a strategy to win the game. Like basketball, from what we see is a 3 versus 3 games. But in the three people they need teamwork so that they can pass the ball and score. Besides that, they also need to think a strategy on breaking through opponent defenses and score without playing fault. In gym, they will train in specified machine to help them in body building. This training in gym is especially in abdomen and shoulder where they are 85% chances in use of the body part. They also have a chance on meeting new people to train human skill and share their experience together. Whenever you indulge yourself into sports, you were even meeting new people. Apart from being an exciting and joyful activity, sports give a lot of various advantages to our character. It can serve as a good source of pleasure. Sport is a fantastic physical activity, and this may also develop a better physical image than these persons who do not do it. Training is als o give a chance to provide them more time to be control the stage of games too. With a fully all strategy, teamwork, training, concentration and full energy, there is no way for other to any change to stop them from growing. Plus physical activities can significantly help from the decline of ones depressive symptoms. Persistent health problems are usually preventable with routine exercise. When you make this a habit to workout daily, you will be able to avoid unsafe health problems from any kind of cause. Exercise forms is resistance for the body, also it functions on strengthening your muscles. Sports, one of the most active activities compare to other where it cause the heartbeat and sweat part of the entire body toxin out. Plus it reduces chances of getting sick or even flu. In every minute the heartbeat, the body pulse is double than usual where it give chance to human to breath twice as fast to capture the oxygen the blood cell. Every human pulse requires a full concentration where it helps to keep on line of the body blood cycle. If let say they over the limit of one minute heartbeat, they might get faint as also heart shock and body cramp. This are often happen to some of the athlete where they push up the maximum limited of their body level. There are also can possibility cause of easily broken bones if they did not train. This effect actually related to calcium consumption and exercise training. In research of health central, there will be long and short term effect. In the short term effect, it increases the flexibility of the bones and strengthens the bones and joint especially when playing an outdoor sport. But in long term of sport, this will reduce the chances of broken bones, delaying muscle loss, and reduce risk of loosen the bones and joint. Therefore, sport does play an important role in humans life as they bring a healthy life to even live longer.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Black Boy :: essays papers
Black Boy Richard has many different ideas on how to deal with racism. Throughout the entire first part of the book he makes many references as to what he believes could help the problem. Although the most frequent method he practiced to deal with racism was acceptance, Richard does not believe this is the best way to handle it. Richard believes that educating oneself about racism bests combats the problem. Through education, Richard thinks that people can more easily come to realize how severe the problem is. He believes that far too many people are simply accepting racism because they don't know what it is like to live without it, and have no idea how to go about ridding themselves of the problem. Richard feels that if both whites and blacks could know what it would be like without the institution of racism running many of the aspects of their daily lives, then both races would benefit from this knowledge and change the nature of many of their actions. The belief that people need to be educated about the subject is commonly supported throughout the text. Entering the seventh grade Richard first realizes that racism is never talked about seriously. He thinks to himself, "Nothing about the problems of Negroes was ever taught about in school; and whenever I would raise these questions with the boys, they would either remain silent or turn the subject into a joke. They were vocal about the petty individual wrongs they suffered, but they possessed no desire for a knowledge of the picture as a whole.". This shows how Richard is aware of the lack of education, and also brings to light his misunderstanding of why there was a lack of education. Richard believed at this time that the reason blacks were not educated about the subject and nothing was ever done was because of white authority. The truth was the reason lied much deeper into the human character, and originated equally, if not more, from action the blacks took (or didn't take). Many southern blacks at this time had no idea of what life without racism would be like (besides the 'fairy tales' of a non-racist northern society). And because of most peoples' natural desire to maintain traditions (and promote a static reality), even when changing traditions would prove beneficial far in excess of the costs of the change, the majority blacks themselves in the south took no real action to promote change.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Business Communication for Success Essay
Language. Language for business documents is important because you have to make sure the language used in it is up to the standards that it should be and therefore make sure it shows the formality of the document subject. For example, sending a letter out that comes across casual or has abbreviations/ jargon then it may not be perceived as being professional or important. This is why it’s important to consider the language you use in business documents to come across professional and formal with your language. Tone. It is important to consider your tone. This is because the tone you use when writing business documents becomes the subject of the message and therefore the way you present yourself needs to be considered. Your tone is essentially your attitude that is being put across. It’s just as important to use the right tone in written as it is when verbally speaking as they both have an equal effect on the other participant. Thus meaning, depending on the situation, depends on how you should adjust how you’re coming across. For example, you need to know when to show confidence/assertion or when to be apologetic as well as conversational, to some extent, whilst still maintaining some sort of professionalism that you need to. Image. In business documents, the most important image is the company logo. By sending documents out with the company logo on it allows people to not only recognize the company by the name but also allows the image of the company to become recognizable. Presentation. When documents are presented correctly and formally it allows people to know that we are a professional, legitimate business and that everything is taken seriously. Like before, when speaking about the image and the company logo, it is important that the logo is presented properly and clearly. For example, making sure that it is clear and not pixelated and that the logo is also to the right size and hasn’t been stretched out. When integrating an image into a document, it can easily be done in Microsoft Office Word as it enables you to insert any sort of pictures or graphs etc. To do this you just go to word and click â€Å"insert†and then it should give you the option of inserting a picture. You then browse your files and find where you want to get the picture from and then insert it. Corporate identity is how a business/ organization is recognized by, not only the customers but also the employees and other businesses. For example, their company logo or the colors that they primarily use. This is what people associate the company with. This means that when companies send out emails, letters, posters etc, they become noticeable by the logos etc that are being put on them. By this happening means that the business becomes well branded. This will then hopefully result in the company becoming widely recognized and growth of the business. Corporate identity is important on documents in order for this to happen. If business documents didn’t have things such as their logo or their business colors on then people wouldn’t make any sort of connections as there’s nothing associating the letter with the business. Data protection. Data protection is designed in order to have legal control over both work and personal documents (whether they be computer documents or paper). It was made so that when storing personal information about people such as addresses, medical conditions and so on, it gave the people legal rights if anything went wrong or information was misused. This means that when handling clients documents, we have to make sure to keep any information obtained secure and private and make sure not to discuss it with, or in front of, any external people. Copyright. Copyright is the ownership and rights of your own work. Businesses have to make sure their work isn’t copyrighted in order to stop other companies stealing their ideas without their permission; so fundamentally just acts as a safeguard to their original work. Things such as trademarks are put in place to stop this from happening. Intellectual property. Intellectual property is essentially inventions created by ones self-such as name, images/ logos etc. Like copyright, intellectual property is also protected by things such as patents, copyright, and trademarks. This is put in place to stop any business documents produced by the company being used and branded by other businesses and therefore means that your business ideas can flourish and stay protected. Version control is the management of different files and documents. The management allows you to control the source and changes that are made to it. It then furthers to show you who made the changes and why they did so. When files are saved, you can tell which ones were the first/second draft and which one is the final by the way that it’s saved. It is usually saved with both the date and the draft number. For example, 04122017V2. â€Å"V2 standing for version 2†. When handling documents in a business, the majority of the time it contains personal information that shouldn’t be seen by anyone other than those that work there. If documents somehow got out or were mishandled, it’d be a breach of the data protection act. To stop this from happening certain security procedures are put into place. For example, client documents have to be stored out of reach and sight of any other clients or external people. It should be dealt with integrity and only be handled by those who are authorized to do so.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Lincolns Use of Presidential War Powers essays
Lincoln's Use of Presidential War Powers essays Recognizing Abraham Lincolns position at the onset of the Civil War, it is evident that many of the actions and decisions he carried outset groundbreaking precedents for future presidents. The prescribed precedents are on the forefront of todays political stage George W. Bushs role in initiating the war with Iraq bears great resemblance to Lincolns nineteenth-century strategies. Nevertheless, while the principle underlying both of their plans is similar, the reality of the situation is that Bush manipulated Lincolns precedents in such a fashion so as to justify a war that simply was not necessary. Thus, while Lincoln and Bush may have acted in a comparable fashion, Bushs actions and strategies ultimately prove to be the negative consequences of Lincolns actions and subsequent precedents. Indeed, Bushs political and policy strategies for the War on Iraq have exploited Lincolns well-intended precedents and have disrupted the checks and balances system that is critical to the success of the American government. Lincoln used his presidential powers extensively during the start of the Civil War; to the point that some people actually believed he was stretching them beyond the Constitutional limits. In the first months of the war, prior to the convention of Congress, Lincoln expanded the regular army, called for volunteers, and spent federal funds that had not yet been appropriated. Support for these actions was yielded by his own claim that once Congress met, they would surely approve his actions. Stretching his war powers as commander in chief, Lincoln ordered a naval blockade of Southern ports and substituted martial law for civil war in numerous states. This action was legally equivalent to a declaration of war, a power expressly reserved to Congress in the Constitution. However, it can be argued that because the war was defensive in nature, the President did not need the authoriz...
Monday, October 21, 2019
British army in Afghanistan
British army in Afghanistan Introduction The war in Afghanistan that broke in2001 evoked the intervention of the United States and United Kingdom. The main aim of intervention was to topple the Taliban and ensure there is liberty in the capital invaded by the Taliban. Helmand province has been the center of concern of the British army.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on British army in Afghanistan specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More British have the largest troop in Afghanistan followed by the United States. The number of British troops amounted to 9500 in 2009 and consisted of marine, sailors and even airmen. From 2001 to around March 2010, the British military forces have lost about 275 military personnel in this war and most of them died in Helmand. British have been applying conventional military forces in the conduct of counterinsurgency operations. The war in Afghanistan started with the conflicts between the British army and the Al-Qaeda and t he Taliban group as the supporters of Al-Qaeda squad. The struggle between these groups has turned out to be a complex counterinsurgency effort, which is an armed conflict carried out against an insurgency or a revolt. This is usually carried out by the armed forces allied with the government that is in power in the territory where the conflict is happening. The insurgency group aims at controlling the authorities in the territory they target like the case of Afghanistan. Counterinsurgency seeks to eliminate these insurgents as well as protecting the authority invaded by the insurgents. This has been the mission of British army in Afghanistan. British army has been using conventional military forces in their attempt to eliminate the insurgents in Afghanistan. This approach has been conflicting with the United States approach where they use unconventional military forces. The use of this approach by the British army has been criticized of being ineffective but British army still push for it. It could be argued that this is the only approach that the British army has and therefore they see every problem in Afghanistan as being solvable using the approach. This could be related to Abraham Maslow’s quote that â€Å"when the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem becomes a nail†The objective of this essay is to discuss the extent to which the quote compliments the British use of conventional military forces in the conduct of counterinsurgency operations in Afghanistan. The quote explanation applied For purposes of this essay, the quote â€Å"when the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem becomes a nail†is taken to mean that when one has only one approach (hammer) to a problem, he sees all problems (nails) similar to the one solvable using the approach. In another case, if the approach has worked in the past for several diverse problems, it may be viewed as a universal approach.Advertising Looking for essay on internatio nal relations? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Also where all the other methods have failed, the remaining options becomes like the hammer and all the other problems becomes the nails. This may sound vague but the British army found their use of conventional military forces in their counterinsurgency operations the only hammer compatible for the nails related to the insurgents. According to Maslow, when an individual lacks enough knowledge or training for solving a certain problems, he proposes the same approach to all the problems2. For every problem encountered, the same solution is used or proposed. The idea in this case is that it is better to use the approach that is well known rather that the attempt to use another approach whose skills one does not have though may be more effective. The unfamiliar approach, however effective it is will not be proposed for solving a certain problem because it may prove ineffective if a pplied without the relevant skills. British army in Afghanistan The mission of British army in Afghanistan is to eliminate Taliban and Al- Qaeda groups in Afghanistan. The Taliban grouped is accused of helping the Al- Qaeda group in their terrorism acts. The experience that the British army has had in Afghanistan leaves them with the only option of using conventional military forces in their counterinsurgency operations in order to hush the insurgents. Despite the conflicting opinions of the American and the British armies, the approach seems the best for the British army. The American army opinion is to use unconventional military forces to eliminate insurgents in Afghanistan and protect the people and the territory central authority. The British army advocates the use of conventional armed forces where there is no use of weapons of mass destruction like nuclear weapons. This will eliminate the effects of nuclear weapons that may be suffered by non insurgents. The challenge posed t o the military forces involved in Afghanistan is distinguishing the non insurgents from the insurgents. The British army argues that the only way possible in eliminating the insurgents is to use conventional armed forces in order to protect the other people not involved. The conventional warfare involves direct confronting the opposing party using conventional weapons that are non chemicals. The weapons are aimed at hitting the opposing army and the fight b9is done in open ground. The general idea of conventional warfare was to destroy the military force of the other party and weaken them so that they do not get a chance to use conventional warfare.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on British army in Afghanistan specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The British aim in Afghanistan is to weaken Taliban and the Al-Qaeda groups and make them to surrender. This tactics if successful may be helpful because it will completely elimi nate the opposing group. The approach will cause a lot of deaths because it involves direct confrontation. In forcing capitulation, every opposing force victimized and confronted and completely forced to surrender. The Taliban and the Al-Qaeda groups have been involved in a lot of world terrorism and the tactics to use unconventional method may seem to fail or have failed in some instances. The British army feels that the tactic of forcing the two groups to surrender will eliminate terrorism. Unconventional warfare is based on the ground that victory is not achievable without compromise. The tactic used is to win the support of one part of the opposing side and weaken the other thus eventually subdue the enemy. Non conventional warfare as opposed to conventional warfare involves the use of hidden tactics in fighting the enemy. These may be referred to as guerilla tactics where the two opposing forces are not aware of what the other group is planning. Conventional fare adopted by the British army believes in no compromise and aims at eliminating the opposing group or force them to completely surrender. The tactics and the outcomes of the conflicting groups are known and well defined. This approach is criticized of being non tactical and lack of fighting skills. It has resulted in many deaths and the Afghanistan government is calling for an alternative approach of fighting Taliban and the Al-Qaeda without causing loss of civilian lives. According to BBC News, in 2008, about 829 afghan civilians were killed in the attempt by NATO to fight Taliban insurgents1. The adoption of conventional warfare by the British army adoption of the conventional warfare in fighting insurgents in Afghanistan shows that the British army lacked fighting skills in fighting the Taliban and that is why they use the non-tactical method. The Quote In Relation To British Conventional Military Forces in Afghanistan The quotes is true in the context of British involvement in Afghanistan fight against the Taliban in that we will always experience problems that could be solvable by the tools that we have. The experience of British conventional military forces in conventional warfare is the only tool they had for countering the problem that they experience like the Taliban and the Al-Qaeda group. In a higher sense, the use of conventional military forces to confront the Taliban and the Al Qaeda group was an indication of lack of tactics. The conventional warfare is related to lack of fighting tactics and adopting direct confrontation that exposes your tactics to the enemy.Advertising Looking for essay on international relations? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This shows that the British Army is applying one solution to every problem that is caused by the conflicting group. Taking in to consideration that the Taliban and the Al Qaeda groups cause many terrorism acts that may require different approaches to solve, it would indicate that British army proposes one solution to all the terrorism cases or other problems caused by these groups. That is conventional approach based on the notion that direct confrontation of the two groups will solve all the problems they cause. The conventional approach is the only tool (hammer) that the British army uses to solve the problems (nails) caused by the Taliban group. The approach is applied in solving all the problems caused by the Taliban but this may not be effective since different problems require different solutions. According to Maslow, the quote could mean lack of diverse skills or solution to a problem such that one applies the same solution to many problems2. Every problem caused by the Talib an in Afghanistan is taken as a nail solvable by the conventional approach, the hammer. The other explanation of the quote is that if all the other methods have failed, the only remaining solution will be attempted in all problems. The British army has been in Afghanistan for a long time and may be the only way out is conventional armed forces deployment. This will mean that the British army will take every problem as being solvable using the only available way out. The conventional warfare will be applied in all situations. The war in Afghanistan has been more intense until the British majority of the public thought that it was un-winnable3 Conclusion The quote â€Å"when the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem becomes a nail†affords a clear description of the British conventional armed forces involvement in the counterinsurgency operations in Afghanistan. They apply conventional warfare which may not suit the diverse tactics of the Taliban group. Conventional arm ed forces may not be effective inn Afghanistan and is facing much criticism. Footnotes 1BBC, Shift needed in Afghan combat. London: BBC News, 2009. Web. 2 A Maslow, Father of modern management: Maslows Maxim / Maslows Hammer. California:, 2009. Web. 3 P Tristan, NATO and US Troop Deployments Casualties In Afghanistan. New York: The New York Times Company, 2009. Web. Reference List BBC, Shift needed in Afghan combat. London: BBC News, 2009. Web. Maslow, A, Father of modern management: Maslows Maxim / Maslows Hammer. California:, 2009. Web. Tristan, P, NATO and US Troop Deployments Casualties In Afghanistan. New York: The New York Times Company, 2009. Web.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Free Essays on Management Problems In The Military
Management Problems in the Military From a young age I was told I had my entire life ahead of me giving me the impression that time is something there is plenty of. But as I grew up and went to school, all I had to do is go there, sit until the classes ended, and then go home and do whatever I wanted. I managed to do all of my homework between classes and nothing was left for home. Then onto college where I quickly learned that in college it wouldn’t work the way that it had worked through school. As an adult it’s the workforce, I saw the needed changes and have tried to develop a system to succeed at these new challenges, and finally realizing how important time and personnel management actually is. The Marine Corps is no different. Time and personnel management are probably one of the largest problems within our unit. Personnel spend more time away from their work area’s either talking, smoking or just wandering around rather than working. I will identify each area and provide my solution to correct these problems to produce a more efficient and productive way to accomplish daily tasks in a timely manner. Effective time management is one of the most important factors for succeeding in basically any task. In my many years serving in the Marine Corps, the one thing we’ve prided ourselves on is that leadership is taught to us at an unusually young age. We are taught that our decisions put Marines lives in danger so make the right one. But when it comes to time and personnel management there is a serious problem that burdens our daily processes. Some people might not think that time management is important. The first part in addressing these problems is to evaluate the process to show Marines the time loss factor in their work process. The main cause is procrastination. This is more than just a negative custom that needs to be weeded out of the Marine Corps. It has always been a sort of joke, or a boas... Free Essays on Management Problems In The Military Free Essays on Management Problems In The Military Management Problems in the Military From a young age I was told I had my entire life ahead of me giving me the impression that time is something there is plenty of. But as I grew up and went to school, all I had to do is go there, sit until the classes ended, and then go home and do whatever I wanted. I managed to do all of my homework between classes and nothing was left for home. Then onto college where I quickly learned that in college it wouldn’t work the way that it had worked through school. As an adult it’s the workforce, I saw the needed changes and have tried to develop a system to succeed at these new challenges, and finally realizing how important time and personnel management actually is. The Marine Corps is no different. Time and personnel management are probably one of the largest problems within our unit. Personnel spend more time away from their work area’s either talking, smoking or just wandering around rather than working. I will identify each area and provide my solution to correct these problems to produce a more efficient and productive way to accomplish daily tasks in a timely manner. Effective time management is one of the most important factors for succeeding in basically any task. In my many years serving in the Marine Corps, the one thing we’ve prided ourselves on is that leadership is taught to us at an unusually young age. We are taught that our decisions put Marines lives in danger so make the right one. But when it comes to time and personnel management there is a serious problem that burdens our daily processes. Some people might not think that time management is important. The first part in addressing these problems is to evaluate the process to show Marines the time loss factor in their work process. The main cause is procrastination. This is more than just a negative custom that needs to be weeded out of the Marine Corps. It has always been a sort of joke, or a boas...
Saturday, October 19, 2019
David Boring by Daniel Clowes Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
David Boring by Daniel Clowes - Research Paper Example Critics judge his creations with a variety of comments and in my essay I will clearly specify my own personal critical view of the writer as well as the author. Born in Chicago in 1961, Daniel Clowes is a renowned author, screenwriter and graphic artist. In his early years, he was unable to find a decent job in his field of interest that is cartooning even with a BFA degree in hand and had to start his career as working freelance and underground. His first project was the comic book series Lloyd Llewellyn, which brought him little yet significant amount of recognition and encouraged him to adopt different types of storytelling ways. His natural talent and abilities have allowed him to set outstanding standards within the field for the past seventeen years. A lonely childhood sparked Clowes’s interest in drawing. He was sent to live with his grandparents at the age of four due to some major family issues and therefore, he had little company growing up. "I spent my whole childho od not saying a word," he explained to Guardian writer Craig Taylor. Therefore, drawing and comic writing fascinated him as they provided a channel he could use to convey his thoughts to others simultaneously, proving to be a good solution to his boredom. He possessed a natural artistic streak and therefore, spent innumerable hours drawing and creating comic book figures and characters. Clowes’s comics majorly revolve around themes like action – based fiction and fantasies. His most famous works came at a time when the comic writing was undergoing serious transformational changes in the 80s and 90s. One of his popular works is the mysterious murder mystery of â€Å"David Boring’, which has been recognized as one of the ten best English language graphic novels ever written. The book portrays the catastrophes that occur from time to time in the life of David, an eponymous, young, American fellow who roams around looking for his soul mate, the perfect wo man for him, and instead came across his father, a comic artist whom he never had a chance to meet. Indeed, Clowes is an impressive writer whose capability of remaining both creative and entertaining is reflected in mostly all his works. According to a critic, David Boring is an exceptional work of skillful storytelling but lacks all kinds of emotional touches (Kannenberg, 2008). From his writings, we are now conversant with calm, composed and controlled Clowes. David Boring is quite an interesting and fascinating book, and Clowes exceptional artwork and character development techniques have made it worth reading. The contextualization of drama and action has been done using varied drawing styles, which change often drastically, as the story moves from one scene to the other (Marrone, 2009). Changes in the setting and the mood have been observed to be swift but smooth and effortless. The brilliance of Clowes is depicted by his frequent use of sharp and bold sketches when creating me lodramatic moods. On the other hand, he keeps his work simple and cute at other places to maintain the ‘cartoonish’ touch of his characters. The artwork in regards to color schemes is impressive. The comic has the traditional black and white color but touches of pale blue enhance the effects greatly, by reflecting the moods of the characters in light of the events happening. Moreover, it also signifies the changes in themes of the story as the story
Friday, October 18, 2019
Museum spaces and department stores are both phantasmagoric spaces Essay
Museum spaces and department stores are both phantasmagoric spaces - Essay Example The viewer was not able to comprehend the meaning of swiftly and chaotically changing images and thus, could only perceive them as paranormal. Since the inception of time, projection and external beam effect techniques have been used by the magicians and theater to induce their viewers to believe-in, what is displayed for them. The same strategy is adapted by museums and lately it has also been used by the department stores. The psychological implication behind this technique is to produce inimitable impression on the spectators so they can believe the clairvoyant quality of the article on display. The aura, visual light effects, structure of the building and their rapidly changing aspect make these articles exclusive in the museum. Therefore, maximum attention is paid on the surrounding of the article to give it a mystic touch. Kapferer (2002) sheds light on why any space becomes phantasmagoric space and when any space is disjoined from the day to day life thus, due to its unusual a ttributes then such a space would be entitled for phantasmagoric space. Furthermore, he explains that phantasmagoric spaces entail generative forces, which represent them as distinctive. Their aura is beyond comparison as they stand apart from the rest of the world. ‘Victoria and Albert Museum’ of London embraces the premium collection of world’s finest decorative of arts. It represents the art and design collection of over 3000 years, which is worth approximately 4.5 million. The art, design and housing decorative of ‘V & A’ represent innovation and diversity of human kind. The marble sculpture of ‘Samson slaying a Philistine’ by Giambolanga (1560-2) is design inspired from the ‘Book of judges’ (An episode of the old Testament) (Samson, 2006). The seven feet tall large-scale sculpture is well defined in its sense of movement and ‘V & A museum’ authorities have kept it wisely in a central court gallery, where na tural light of sun and dramatic shadows of the surroundings imitate realistic attributes in the sculpture. The architecture of the building is in North Italian Renaissance style with a centralized grand auditorium. In the two storey museum the sculpture is placed amidst in one of the galleries, where viewers can observe them and get enchanted. The English gothic art architecture of ceiling has a rectangular opening in between to throw natural light on the sculptures. ‘The HammerBeam ceiling inspiration’ also entails Italic Vault style in the remaining curving part of the roof. (Courtesy of V & A Museum, 2013 1) The objective of creating a exclusive aura was to display the worth of Giambolanga sculpture. The instrument of killing is carved in a manner that it shows a brutal action without hesitancy. The intertwined figures are portrayed on a differentiated surface. Hence, the lifelike sculptor has a medieval surrounding to give it a complete phantasmagoric effect. The sp ace is edified by a backdrop of carved wood temple and wall. The strap against Samson chest entails the inscription of ‘I†¦. BELGAE†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ (Victoria and Albert Museum). Though, the inscription is not visible from distance, but with a closer view; it develops the aura of steadfastness and identification. The Caesarean region and tribes
Social Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Social Change - Essay Example As per the data available of 2000 the most noted of these tribes were Pueblo, Iroquois, Blackfeet, Lumbee, Apache, Chippewa, Sioux, Choctaw, Cherokee and Navajo.2 However, it should be mentioned that all these tribes and suffer from ill health and poverty and related menaces like alcoholism and suicides. It is an extraordinary data to find that the American Indians consist only 1% of the population yet scores extremely high when poverty rate, suicide rate and alcohol percentage is taken into consideration. In accordance to 2003 census report it was found that about 88% of the Native American population lives under the poverty line.3 Other reports like Amnesty International of 2003 revealed that about 23% of all suicides committed in the US are by American Indians. American Indians also rank extremely high in the context of alcohol consumption and substance abuse. It is reported that 31% of alcoholism is linked with the American Indian community. Drug abuse is also reported as the rate of 26%. Unemployment is also high in this list of backwardness. It has been estimated that 34% of the American Indians are completely unemployed and about 40% o f the American Indians are partly unemployed. The American Indians also tops the list of community ill health. They are the most vulnerable community towards diabetes and heart related disease. They also record the highest percentage of infantile death.4 There are several causes of this backwardness. Initial military defeat has been morally and physically ramifying and this was corresponded by several factors like termination policies of the post world war period and slavery in the 19th century. In modern era they are deprived by favoritism, outlaw of language and culture, cultural assimilation with force, reservation related to confinement and overall cultural pressure along with economic and social discrimination.5 The "Digital Divide" is as well a major area of anxiety for Native Americans and other minority groups for the reason that many American Indians and Alaskan Natives have hitherto to be associated to basic telephone networks and are consequently unable to access the Internet, they are at jeopardy of falling even further behind in their facility to access employment, educational, and other prospects made accessible by information technology. 6 American Indians are also a racial community who from time to time face favoritism the same as African Americans do. In truth, earlier than the civil rights laws were endorsed, in some states three separate drinking fountains labeled "whites," "Colored" and "Indian" were found. There were as well three segments in some movie theaters. All of the civil rights decrees that defend people from favoritism for the reason that of race or color or national origin as well protect American Indians.7 Lately the Department of Justice took legal action a school district in Utah for not having a high school in the isolated community of Navajo Mountain. The Navajo and Paiute high school age students who reside in this community all had to go over 90 miles from home and live in dormitories or with relatives and attend boarding schools functioned by the Bureau of Indian Affairs. The school district had constructed high schools in the communities where non-Indians lived. The school district argued that because the Indians live on a condition they didn't
BUSINESS - It's Legal, Ethical, and Global Environment Essay
BUSINESS - It's Legal, Ethical, and Global Environment - Essay Example Since men were able to express their ideas, religion had been the cause of fighting for example, the Crusades. Unfortunately people had used religion as a justification for fighting. Therefore the men who interpret the religion states, that killing innocent lives and looting is all justified and legal, as long as they are doing it for their religion, but in all other cases its a crime against humanity. Religious beliefs and principles do not justify war, just because one-person states that God had told them to fight and fight they shall is conspicuously unintelligent. Warfare destroys lives, using religion, as an excuse to murder countless victims is a mind-boggling question because violence should not be administered because of a religious conflict. War does not solve anything, only the cause of destruction. The Crusades is a shining example of a conflict that flourished from a difference in religions. The Europeans had called their Christian army more civilized then to the so-called infidels they are fighting. An army of being more civilized then the enemy can also be state as propaganda. No religion has a right to declare war on each other just because of "holy" land. The Pope had asked the people to fight in an unknown territory to regain the holy lands, in which if one does so, his sins will be forgiven. People left their wives, children, parents, family, and friends to fight in this "Holy War" just because the Pope had declared that fighting is forgivable and will enter heaven after death. People die in wars, there is no way that can be undone, or in another term, just. Sure the Crusades had brought Europe out of the Dark Ages but at what cost, the lives perished by the sword can never be healed. Due to lies, soldiers march proudly onto the battlefield awaiting a glorious victory i n the name of their holy God, having no doubts on where they goes in the afterlife.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Globalisation , the World Economy and MNE's mini essay
Globalisation , the World Economy and MNE's mini - Essay Example However, a host country needs to have a minimum absorptive capacity and the ability to link these investments with domestic enterprises (Ruane & Gorg, 1998). FDI policies affect both potential and existing foreign investments either directly or indirectly. The host country justifiably sets its policies based on information, business failure, and intervention (Lall, 2000; Moran, 1998). Some of the policies include: A government should efficiently analyse and evaluate international firms before they invest in the country. Screening aids in identifying the purpose of the firm and the validity of its actions. Secondly, in ownership restraints, the host state decides to exclude foreign investors from certain parts of the economy (Hill, 2011). Exclusion based on the grounds of healthy competition and national security. For example, India implemented certain foreign ownership policies, which governed the retail sector since foreign traders almost put local supermarkets out of business (Mukherjee, 2005). Finally, performance requirements enable a country to optimize FDI benefits and minimize on the costs employed to the host country. Operational policies assist in controlling the activities of foreign companies in the host country. Governments implement operational activities through site restrictions, export requirements and persistence on partial ‘local content.’ Based on location policies, the state needs foreign investors to lay foundation in regions where they provide labour market. Secondly, based on the industrial activities, firms should locate to regions where they will not disrupt other forms of infrastructure or cause harm to the inhabitants. Export policies aim at managing foreign company exports mainly to create a balance between it and the domestic export (Moran, 2005). States implement export regulations through taxation policies. It also permits the exportation of only a set
Speed control of DC and AC machines Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Speed control of DC and AC machines - Lab Report Example Steady-state conditions are to be used in the case where the DC motor needs to be excited separately. Loading conditions should be varied and tested. The rectifiers available include the single-phase half controlled bridge rectifier containing a flywheel diode. Cases of firing angle in the setup that is used above ought to be set to a fixed value. Voltage and resistance variation affect characteristics of the armature while flux regarding the pole affects magnetic properties of the motor. It sets the base for the speed control methods as armature control method and the field control methods. Resistance variation is achieved via connecting an external resistance with the voltage supply to the motor armature. Losses being negligible are ignored. Alternatively speed control can be achieved by a rheostat resistance in series with the armature of the motor. Magnetic properties of the motor can be varied using a field diverter method. Armature control method has superiority compared to the other methods because it has the abilities to offer fine control of the motor speed, a unified acceleration, and the regulation properties accompanying speed control are superior. On the contrary, the method requires standardized patterns that increases the cost and delivers low efficiency when carrying lighter loads. The circuit, as stated above, is made up of controlled and the uncontrolled rectifiers. Diode as components of the design and the freewheeling operations occurs regardless of allowing a negative voltage output. Clamping at zero does not guarantee the rectification of negative voltage hence a half controlled. The positive voltage levels are made use via the rectifier while the negative voltages are cut-off hence unnecessary. The setup is composed of diodes and the SCRs. With Vin being positive, triggering of SCR S1 occurs at the firing angle determined and denoted as a. current flow will begin from SCR S1 and then flow through
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
BUSINESS - It's Legal, Ethical, and Global Environment Essay
BUSINESS - It's Legal, Ethical, and Global Environment - Essay Example Since men were able to express their ideas, religion had been the cause of fighting for example, the Crusades. Unfortunately people had used religion as a justification for fighting. Therefore the men who interpret the religion states, that killing innocent lives and looting is all justified and legal, as long as they are doing it for their religion, but in all other cases its a crime against humanity. Religious beliefs and principles do not justify war, just because one-person states that God had told them to fight and fight they shall is conspicuously unintelligent. Warfare destroys lives, using religion, as an excuse to murder countless victims is a mind-boggling question because violence should not be administered because of a religious conflict. War does not solve anything, only the cause of destruction. The Crusades is a shining example of a conflict that flourished from a difference in religions. The Europeans had called their Christian army more civilized then to the so-called infidels they are fighting. An army of being more civilized then the enemy can also be state as propaganda. No religion has a right to declare war on each other just because of "holy" land. The Pope had asked the people to fight in an unknown territory to regain the holy lands, in which if one does so, his sins will be forgiven. People left their wives, children, parents, family, and friends to fight in this "Holy War" just because the Pope had declared that fighting is forgivable and will enter heaven after death. People die in wars, there is no way that can be undone, or in another term, just. Sure the Crusades had brought Europe out of the Dark Ages but at what cost, the lives perished by the sword can never be healed. Due to lies, soldiers march proudly onto the battlefield awaiting a glorious victory i n the name of their holy God, having no doubts on where they goes in the afterlife.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Speed control of DC and AC machines Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Speed control of DC and AC machines - Lab Report Example Steady-state conditions are to be used in the case where the DC motor needs to be excited separately. Loading conditions should be varied and tested. The rectifiers available include the single-phase half controlled bridge rectifier containing a flywheel diode. Cases of firing angle in the setup that is used above ought to be set to a fixed value. Voltage and resistance variation affect characteristics of the armature while flux regarding the pole affects magnetic properties of the motor. It sets the base for the speed control methods as armature control method and the field control methods. Resistance variation is achieved via connecting an external resistance with the voltage supply to the motor armature. Losses being negligible are ignored. Alternatively speed control can be achieved by a rheostat resistance in series with the armature of the motor. Magnetic properties of the motor can be varied using a field diverter method. Armature control method has superiority compared to the other methods because it has the abilities to offer fine control of the motor speed, a unified acceleration, and the regulation properties accompanying speed control are superior. On the contrary, the method requires standardized patterns that increases the cost and delivers low efficiency when carrying lighter loads. The circuit, as stated above, is made up of controlled and the uncontrolled rectifiers. Diode as components of the design and the freewheeling operations occurs regardless of allowing a negative voltage output. Clamping at zero does not guarantee the rectification of negative voltage hence a half controlled. The positive voltage levels are made use via the rectifier while the negative voltages are cut-off hence unnecessary. The setup is composed of diodes and the SCRs. With Vin being positive, triggering of SCR S1 occurs at the firing angle determined and denoted as a. current flow will begin from SCR S1 and then flow through
Ancient India Essay Example for Free
Ancient India Essay The era that brought India into the map of cultural prominence was during the rule of the Gupta Dynasty. The 4th and 5th century C. E. is considered as the Golden Age of India. The attainment of this Golden Age was made possible by the rule and influence of the Gupta Dynasty, which fostered the development of both the cultural and the political might of India during its time. The Gupta Rulers Chandragupta I, son of Ghatotkacha, was the fist imperial ruler of the empire situated in the north of the then India in the Vindhya Range. By marrying the princess of Licchavis, he formed alliance with the clan and begun power expansion. One of the important administrative systems that he established during his reign was the assembly of councilors that nominated his successor. The largest territorial expansion of the empire was undertaken during the reign of Samudragupta, son of Chandragupta I. His campaign established the largest political unit in South Asia at that time (Heitzman, 2007). He is considered as one of the greatest military geniuses in the history of India. One of his notable contributions was the establishment of coins made of pure gold. More than an exemplary military leader, he was also a patron of the arts as he was a celebrated poet and musician. He made coinage as the expertise of his time. Chandragupta II further expanded the empire through war conquests. His power was extended from coast-to-coast; and his reign became the economical high point of the empire through the establishment of trading capitals. During the reign of Kumaragupta I, the Pushyamitras tribe became powerful and had post threat to the empire. His successor, Skandagupta, considered the last of the great Gupta rulers, defeated the tribe but the territory was later on invaded by the White Huns. This defeat signaled the start of the decline of the empire. The Impact of the Empire The Gupta Dynasty is highly regarded for their contributions to the arts and culture of South Asia. Though the rulers cultural role was limited, their coinage expresses their being patrons of the arts (Heitzman, 2007). According to Hooker (1996), the eras cultural creativity is exemplified in magnificent architecture, sculpture and paintings. The paintings found in the Ajanta Cave are considered to be the most powerful works of the Indian art. Literature also flourished during that time of Indian history. The Gupta Empire had produced one of the greatest writers of poetry, Kalidasa. He is known for his lyric poetry and dramas, not only in India but also in Asian and even Western circles. It is also observed that the trading ports of the empire made the Indian culture dominant in the region. The period of the Gupta Dynasty was the period of â€Å"Greater India†(Hooker, 1996). Their cultural influences were extended through Burma, Cambodia and Sri Lanka. Another cultural legacy of the dynasty is the coinage system and effective administrative system. Their government was governed with only one taxation system centralized to the empire capital in Pataliputra. The kings remained to be the vassal kings where the entire kingdom was consolidated into single administrative unit (Hooker, 1996). The era of the Gupta Dynasty has not only uplifted the country politically but culturally as well. It has spilled over its influence in the South Asian region through wide range of trading products and services. Though it was later on buried in the pages of Indian history, its legacy to the Indian nation continue to this age. Its cultural heritage truly makes India one of the richest cultures in the world. References: Hooker, Richard (1996). The Age of the Guptas and After. Ancient India. Retrieved September 17, 2007 from http://www. wsu. edu/~dee/ANCINDIA/GUPTA. HTM Heitzman, James (2007). Gupta Dynasty. Microsoft ® Encarta ® Online Encyclopedia 2007. Retrieved September 17, 2007 from http://encarta. msn. com.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Strategic Business Management and Planning in EasyJet
Strategic Business Management and Planning in EasyJet EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The main objective of topic is the critically evaluate future challenges of EasyJet in the 21st century and recommendation to achieve the goals in future. 1. Introduction: Easy jet is the leading cheapest flight service company in European Airline Companies. The mission of the company is to offer Low cost airline service to the masses. Easyjet was established by Sir Stelios Haji-Ioannou in 1995 .Easy jet is the fourth leading European airline, the UKs leading budget airline and one that contests the number two LCC in Europe. Easyjet board had been disagreement of extension with his creator sir stellios since last two years (daily mail 2010). Newly joined(2010,July 14th ) chief executive Carolyn McCall with aid of easy jet chairman sir mike rake made a deal with brand licensing (daily mail 2010). She is very fresh for airline industry. Now I am going to critically evaluate how she is going to face future challenges ahead of her. Source: Map of the destination points 1. a) Strategy: in art of war book sun Tzu giving answer for what is strategy? A way of thinking; an aware and deliberate process; a concentrated implementation technique; the art of ensuring future success. According to Mintzberg H., (1994) Strategy is a unified, comprehensive, and integrated plan and designed to ensure that the basic objectives of the enterprise are achieved. A strategy or general plan of action might be formulated for broad, long-term, corporate goals and objectives, for more specific business unit goals and objectives. Easy jet believes that people make the difference. Its through the efforts of all our people to deliver our four strategic priorities such as Safety is our No.1 priority, Build Europes No.1 air transport network, Develop a winning customer proposition, Deliver low cost and maximise margins that we will realise our vision: to become the best low fares airline in the world.(Easyjet 2009) 1. b) Strategic Business planning: Strategic business planning serves to bridge the gap between development goals and planning for implementation of specific tactical measure. Internationalization: Welch and Luostarinen (1988), defined as the process of increasing involvement in international markets. Strategic management: Strategic management is an ongoing process that evaluates and controls the business and the industries in which the company is involved; assesses its competitors and sets goals and strategies to meet all existing and potential competitors; and then reassesses each strategy annually or quarterly [i.e. regularly] to determine how it has been implemented and whether it has succeeded or needs replacement by a new strategy to meet changed circumstances, new technology, new competitors, a new economic environment., or a new social, financial, or political environment. (Lamb, 1984: ix). Internationalization and strategic management: Welch and Welch (1996) have tried to develop a longitudinal theoretical model to identify the interrelationships between the two flows of international business inquiry, that is, They give meaning of strategic foundations (knowledge, skills and experience, networks, etc.) of the enterprise and its external environment, and identify planned and unplanned routes to internationalization, with networking important in both. They conclude by calling for empirical studies that specifically focus on strategy and internationalization Process interconnections (Welch and Welch, 1996: 25). Bell et al (1998): Internationalization and Business Strategy EasyJet have influenced by both internal and external environment in any strong grow stage. Internal environment: decision-maker characteristics has more influence in easyjet. We can say particularly sir stellos founder of easyjet and who has 38% share in easyjet. He had been last two years dispute with easy jet board for expansion of easy jet. (Thisismoney,2010).he has no problem with strategy of easy jet. EasyJet announced that it had agreed to purchase the entire share capital of GB Airways from the Bland Group. The deal was worth  £103.5 million and was used to expand EasyJet operations at London Gatwick Airport (anna.euro,2007) Easyjet has grown internationally acquiring GB airways on 25 october 2007. Sir stellos not happy with board accounting policy. He didnt like approach of board single cash generating unit. He insisted to be a he macro-economic climate to benefit of all shareholder.(abtn 2009) EasyJet had reached an agreement on the pace of growth with Sir Stelios after he had questioned the strategy. The LCC now plans to increase future capacity by 7.5% per annum, following yearly increases of 15% from 2005 to 2008 and will increase its fleet to 207 aircraft by 2012. Sir Stelios declared himself a lot happier with the carriers shift to a more modest growth strategy and insisted it was more resilient than that of Ryanair, which cancelled a large order with Boeing in 2009, though it will continue to receive aircraft from previous orders for several years to come.then he changed his mind and resign from the board on may 2010 and again start his backward, too much over speed of growth plan(capa 2010) Easy-jet influence by management competencies: No stability management in easyjet due to the action of sir stellos .management changes four year who worked hardly to develop the company Andy Harrison punished by sir stellos who has more share in the company. Sir stellos concentrated on account department he changed account management people. The shake-up will result in all three of the companys top jobs changing within the space of a year, following the departure in May of Jeff Carr, Easyjets chief financial officer(,2009) .(abtn 2009) rapid management change create the conflict between management and employee External environment: Global influence: (Richard L. D,aft 1997 ) explaning that No company out-of-the-way from global influence. All international company influenced by global governing body. OPECs (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries) set prices of oil and gasoline. OPECs globally influencing the airline industry.(tucker l,2008) CAA (Civil Aviation Authority) and IATA (International Air Transport Association) those bodies regulating the airline industry all over world. BAA is a leading airport monopoly company. We own six airports in the UK including the largest, London Heathrow, and we have interests in a number of others overseas. IATA and CAA fixing or reviewing price fare the airlines(price regulation). EasyJet Claims that (CAA)Regulator Favoured BAA Over Fees and supporting monopoly company(gardian,2009 pg 28) Global warming: Global warming refers to the documented historical warming of the Earths surface based upon worldwide temperature records that have been maintained by humans since the 1880s.Its Is the combined result of Anthropogenic (Human-Caused) emissions of greenhouse gases and solar irradiance in exchange According To The World Meteorological Organization (WMO), The Decade Of The 2000s (2000-2009) Is the warmest one record. The global mean surface temperature for 2009 IS Currently Estimated at 0.44  ° C/0.79  ° F above-the 1961-1990 Annual average of 14.00  ° F C/57.20 (Ecoearth2009), Volcanic ash cloud: Global warming may prompt more hazardous geological events such as volcanoes, earthquakes and landslides, scientists have warned- Prof McGuire (telegraph2010) acid rain: volcanic explosion can change the Earths climate both for short periods and long periods. Volcanoes that release large amounts of sulfur compounds as sulfur oxide or sulfur dioxide in the atmosphere more strongly than those that eject just dust. The sulfur compounds are gases that rise easily into the stratosphere. Once there, they combine with water (limited) available to form a mist of fine droplets of sulfuric acid (volcanoes 2010) Andy Harrison said that Easy Jet is planning to cut CO2 emissions by 50% by 2015.The aviation industry have an excellent record in reducing the environmental footprint of aircraft. Todays aircraft are typically 70% cleaner and 75% quieter than their 1960s counterparts. Now we are planning the next generation that will help towards taking the plane out of the emissions equation. Easy Jet is already setting the environmental standard in the airline industry. Our fleet of 131 aircraft has an average age of only 2.3 years the youngest of any major airline in Europe. We have recently called for over 700 of the dirtiest aircraft to be banned from Europes skies (ecojet2010) Ash cloud crisis: Andy Harrison gave Q3-IMS-2010-Analyst-presentation-final report saying that how global warming affected the easyjet limited. Significant impact on results from volcanic ash 7,000 flights cancelled impacting one million passengers Estimated cost and lost contribution  £65 million Future challenges on 21st century: Drucker p., (2007) observe that In the middle of 19th century they exposed to many radical changes as we compare to this transition period. As during world warII many structural changes have been occured,then here comes the second industrial revolution started. According to Drucker argumentation, the future is not soo far because for the formation of business strategy there are five social and political certaintiesThe collapse of the birthrate in the developed world, changes in the distribution of disposable income and a redefinition of corporate performance, international competitiveness and the rising conflict between economic and political reality.Then he looks at the leadership requirements, the characteristics of information revolution, Productivity of knowledge worker and finally their responsibilities in the system management. Rivals for EasyJet now airberlin grown as a competitor in eroupe region looking share price movement on 3rd November 2010(capa2010a). The Challenge Facing (mccall) tougher has-been made by exchange at Ryanair CEO Michael OLeary WHERE IS planning a move to larger Airports near city centers, scrapping A Strategy is based Solely less-costly, out-of-town airports (businessweek2010) Stability management competence frame in EasyJet. McCall will also want more boardroom stability following a spate of resignations. Chairman Colin Chandler and Finance Director Jeff Carr resigned in 2009, Stelios and his nominee Bob Rothenberg stepped down in May and Cor Vrieswijk, the operations chief, quit two weeks ago after just 3 1/2 years at the company (businessweek,2010) There is a some money changes in management last two years. Globalization impact: The impact of globalization will lead to make a major challenge strategically to culture and language in the environment business Managing Across borders: The main creteria of an organisation is to survive in the 21st century and to succeed the workforce in business environment. Revolution of Information Technology: The usage of internet, e-commerce and wireless are supported by a new world of infrastructure. Security issues and increase demand for knowledge worker in an oranizations. Leadership Challenges Generational leadership managing an older workforce, as well as the digital generation Sustainability Defending todays environment and addressing consumers needs The developing world responding to a changing economy Diversity leading a workforce comprising ethnic minorities, mature workers, etc Globalisation managing an extended workforce, and social responsibility. Organizations facing rapid change, unprecedented global competition, unpredictability and the constant threat of acquisition. At the same time, it is becoming increasingly aware of corporate social responsibility and global sustainability challenges in the broad sense. The 21st century is one in which we will need a servant leaders more than ever. It is difficult, fascinating and full of possibilities. If organizations are to thrive and survive, they must innovate. They need all the energy and creativity of their people. This requires a revolution in culture in the workplace the workplace that limit, deter the poor and those that release energy, enterprise and spirit. They also need to be led by world citizens. The best people want to work for ethical organizations that meet the needs of society and avoid prejudice. Sustainability focus on environment, charity corporate and social safety in EasyJet: Environment: Easyjet is giving high priority for environment safety. To be environmentally efficient in the air and on the ground as well. To lead shapes a greener future for aviation. Charity: EasyJet supports a charity of the year. The airline gives a corporate donation and provides access to staff and passengers to raise funds, and promotes the charity through brand awareness. Following a Europe-wide staff vote, EasyJet is proud to announce that our current charity of the year is the Alzheimers Society. Corporate and social Safety: Safety is our first priority for both customers and staffs. Easyjet aims to provide its customers with safe, good value, point to point air services and believes in the goal of excellence of achievement in all its activities. Easyjet sees starving for excellence in environmental, social and ethical activities as a key behaviour for a successful and sustainable business Recommendation: Entrepreneur: the person who has great vision with innovation with optimistic personality. An entrepreneur is a person in charge of creating value, not only for him, but also for his investors, clients and for the society Entrepreneurship: entrepreneurship, which is defined as the pursuit of opportunities, acquisition of resources, construction of a team and discovery of markets adapted to offer the specific product (Dr.Zacharakis A,2009) Why it is important for Entrepreneurship: Its very important for global entrepreneurship to monitor the projects over all. Loyalty to customer, employee and government also paying right tax. To compete and set the goals to meet the globalization competitor To develop a acquire company. Bell et al.,(1998) state that organic growth and acquisition are good tool to make organization successful in internationally with entrepreneurship skill of management. Strategy: 1 Diversification strategy: Pils F (2009) discussing about Diversification, impact of diversification, advantage of diversification .diversification for company is a form of corporate strategy . It aims to increase profitability through higher sales volume resulting from new products and new markets. Diversification can take place either at the business unit or enterprise level. At the business unit, it is more likely to develop into a new segment of an industry where the company is already at the firm level, very interesting to enter a promising venture outside the scope of Business Unit. Sir stellios have been insisting about future of fleet expansion. When the fleet and the route to increase, we have more customers in the summer (six months) and festivals time, remaining six months, flights are in the ground(Businessweek2010). My opinion sir stellios has matured person in airline industry and also stellos Haji-Ioannou is a member of the New Enterprise, a group established to advise the Conservative Party on business policy (market watch2007). He is not against strategy of the company but against fleet expansion (capa2010) .so McCall can go for other sector diversification expect fleet. She has to considered about rivals also, when rivals increasing the fleet and route, mccall also has go for it. Otherwise she cant compete with her rivals .now easy jet share growing. Now main rival of EasyJet is ryanair share reduced in Europe.(capa2010a). Good news for easyjet: Ryan air, the second airline in the United Kingdom, announced its intention to reduce the ability of winter in the UK by 16% compared to November of 2010, outlining the decision will result in the loss of over 2 million Passengers at airports across the UK during the winter of 2010 on a year-on year basis. (capa2010b). New deal with sir stellos brand licensing ,easy brand not for flight,easyjet can use ther purpose aswell. new deal creates a lot opportunity for new ceo Carolyn mccall .she can go for cobranding, removing ancillary revenues(the so called 75:25 rule), freedom for easyJet to lease-in non easyJet-branded aircraft to meet operational requirements within annual limits without the need for easyJet Group consent,new product and new services.(capa2010c). Strategy 2: According to Sun Tzu art of war: If your enemy is secure at all points, be prepared for him. If he is in superior strength, evade him. If your opponent is temperamental, seek to irritate him. Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant. Strategy: 2 divided boards strategy. Its not a best strategy not when the dissenter controls nearly 40% of the voting stock (capa2010) Sir Stelios is used to make his way. He now argues for drawing on growth. In some ways it may be perfectly justified in seeking to improve his win by EasyJet, a company that has not paid any dividends money although it has generated considerable revenue from the IPO, as well as royalty payments. In this regard, his argument against the expansion only up batteries if a more static fleet would turn into immediate dividends and will continue to provide under Sir Stelios strategy slow growth. He probably did his homework, he believes (and other shareholders) would be the winners, if not in the long term, at least in the coming months. However, so far it seems to be still in the minority, as the company continues to occur. If following a public campaign as now seems likely it will surely be disruptive. A public war is not what every company needs. The company is difficult enough as it is. The board of directors and chief executive officer of the airline however insist that the growth agenda had been agreed before Stelios commonly alleged change tack probably because of the difficult situation. The Chairman, Sir Michael Rake, in a letter to shareholders on 18-May-2010, said: The Board is both surprised and disappointed to find itself in a public debate over strategy as Sir Stelios and I had agreed principles of engagement in May 2009 specifically to avoid such situations. In the view of the Board there are simply no grounds for a dispute. New CEO insisting Easyjet never paid dividend. Stelios rising question our rivals paying the dividend, why cant we do that? (Business week, 2010) Strategy 3: (osama el kadi 2008) strategizing using sun tzu art war. About stunning growth : strategizing the easyjet pocess of negotions,sales and innovations.easy can develop the company international level with most sucessful. strategizing Wynn Ellis said that EasyJet still has capacity to enlarge capacity 5 percent to 10 percent a year, an analyst at Numis Securities in London with a hold recommendation on the stock.McCall needs to weigh the interests of all shareholders in making her decisions and be prepared to stand up to Stelios if necessary. The U.K. market may be relatively mature but there are opportunities in overseas markets. (Business week, 2010) Easy jet share growing well in Europe (capa2010a).easyJet shares were up 1.3%, while airberlin was up 1.2%. Ryanair shares lost 0.4%, with the carrier reporting strong traffic growth. Aer Lingus shares dropped 1.3%.So mccall strategizing the company to make stunning growth using this method. Conclusion: After resovling the dispute of brand licencing with sir stellos ,carolyn mccall got more support from shareholder; because the deal creates more corporate-governance flexibility in EasyJet decision making in future. She got bit releaxed achieveing deal with founder easy jet .now she has to concentrate set up the managemtment competence framework. If she follow servent leadership at this present.she can resolve all the conflict in organization easily get the way to obtain new corporate strategy to achive vision with orgnational I discussed in recommendation she can choose any one the strategy or both. My opinion she can go for diverfication and strategizing.because she is has strong negotion power(Sun Tzu: The ultimate art of war is to restrain the opponent without fighting.), sales techniquie (I can see her ability from gmg grop development , her vission and care about sustainability(gardian,2010)) and innovation. finally:mccall has to have answer for this question, what ma kes a business functioning in this sector victorious? While deciding diversification. Referencing: 1. Abtn(2009), easyjet article,accessed on 4t November2010 , 2. (2007), easyjet acquiring gb airways, accessed on 5th November 2010, 3. Bell, J., Crick, D. and Young, S. (1998) A Holistic Perspective on Small Firm Growth and Internationalisation, paper presented at the Academy of International Business Conference, City University Business School, London, April. 4. Businessweek (2010), easy jet eco must slow flee expansion, accessed on 6th November 2010, 5. Capa (2010), easyjet eco reviewing business model, 6. Capa (2010a), easyjet sharemarket,accessed on 6th November 2010, 7.Capa (2010b), End of an era: Ryanair continues shift away from UK/Ireland , accessed on 6th November 2010, 8. Dr.Zacharakis A (2009) What is entrepreneurship? accessed on 6th November 2010, 9.Drucker,p.,(2007), Management challenges for the 21st century, Butterworth-Heinemann, revised edition, great Britain. 10. Ecoearth(2009), glabal warming accessed on 4th of November 2010, 11.Ecojet(2010), easyjet_ecojet,accessed on 3rd November 2010, 12. 13. Irvin B.Tucker( 2008)Microeconomics for Today, south-western cengage learning,sixth edition,Canada ,pg: 265 14.Guardian, 18 March 2009, pg 28 easyjet claims BBA overfeesgardian newpaper,London. 15. Guardian(2010) carolyn-mccall-sustainability, accessed on 4th November 2010, 16. Henry Mintzberg(2000) The rise and fall of strategic planning,british library catalog,great Britain. 17. Osama EI-Kadi (2009) Negotiations, Sales and Innovations leading to stunning Growth, , accessed on 4th November 2010, 18. Lamb, Robert, Boyden Competitive strategic management, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1984 19. Market watch(2007) , Parties clash in corporate credentials battleaccessed on 5th November 2010. 20. Richard L. Daft,(1997) Organization Theory and Design, south-western cengage learning,10th edition,Canada,pg:210 21. Telegraph (2010), climate change accessed on 4th November 2010, l 22. Volcanoes (2010), volcanoes, accessed on 5th November, 23. Thisismoney (2010), easyjet , accessed on 4th November 2010, 24. Welch, D. E. and Welch, L. S. (1996) The Internationalization Process and Networks: A Strategic Management Perspective, Journal of International Marketing 4(3): 11-28. 25.Welch, L. S. and Luostarinen, R. K (1988) Internationalization: Evolution of a Concept, Journal of General Management 14(2): 34-55. Biography: Suntzu art of war
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Night in William Shakespeares A Midsummer Nights Dream Essay examples
Night in William Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream One of the recurring themes throughout Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream is the time of day during which the play’s major action takes place: night. This being the case, there are certain words that are directly linked to this theme that appear numerous times throughout the script. Four such words are â€Å"moon,†â€Å"moonlight,†â€Å"moonshine,†and â€Å"lunatic.†Each comes from a feminine root that serves to identify the women in the play as prizes to be won and controlled. It becomes clear when looking up the term â€Å"moon†in the Oxford English Dictionary that the word is associated with the feminine. â€Å"In poetry,†for instance, â€Å"the moon is often personified, always as female†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (1050). It is important to note that the play upsets traditional cultural customs in this regard, for â€Å"May was the time of female fertility over which the moon presided, but the play begins with an image of lunar age and sterility, a ‘dowager,’ a ‘cold fruitless moon’†(Paster and Howard, â€Å"Popular Festivals†¦Ã¢â‚¬ 93). It is possible that Shakespeare applied such images intentionally to make it clear to his audience that the women in this play are not as free as the May Day festivities might make them out to be. The female fertility that is expressed freely in Shakespeare’s blend of May Day and Midsummer’s Eve is outside of the controlled realm of marriage. Instead of the un restrained women that both holidays celebrate, however, Shakespeare bookends the play with a woman tamed by a man. In the first scene, the moon is spoken of by Theseus and Hippolyta as a measurement of time when Theseus announces, â€Å"†¦four happy days bring in / Another moon: but, O, methinks, how slow / This old moon wanes! She linger... ...more. Works Cited Brown, Lesley, ed. The New Shorter Oxford English Dictionary. 5th ed. Oxford: Clarendon, 1993. ""moon," "moonlight," "moonshine," and "lunatic"." Shakespeare Concordance. 23 Feb. 2006 . Paster, Gail Kern, and Skiles Howard. "Female Attachments and Family Ties." A Midsummer Night's Dream: Texts and Contexts. Ed. Gail Kern Paster, and Skiles Howard. Boston and New York: Bedford/St. Martin's, 1999. 192-264. ---. "Popular Festivals and Court Celebrations." A Midsummer Night's Dream: Texts and Contexts. Ed. Gail Kern Paster, and Skiles Howard. Boston and New York: Bedford/St. Martin's, 1999. 89-99. Shakespeare, William. "A Midsummer Night's Dream." A Midsummer Night's Dream: Texts and Contexts. Ed. Gail Kern Paster, and Skiles Howard. Boston and New York: Bedford/St. Martin's, 1999. 1-86. The Oxford English Dictionary. 2nd ed. 1989.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
The Spanish-American War :: American History Essays Spain Papers
Throughout history, there have been many wars that have been caused by many different reasons. Also, the effects of the wars may greatly impact, good or bad, either side of the fight. One great war in history of the United States was the Spanish-American War of 1898. The Spanish-American War was caused by many things. The war has left a lasting effect of both countries involved, the United States and Spain. Both Spain and the United States were greatly impacted by the war. The Spanish-American War was not started by one thing in particular. It was because of a large amount of reasons that built up until it erupted in war. It started with the explosion of the USS Maine. When Spain sent in General â€Å"Butcher†Weyler to stabilize the situation in Cuba, he put the majority of the population into concentration camps. The US sent the Maine to protect its investments there. The USS Maine was on a â€Å"friendly†mission to wait and rescue any US citizens that may be hurt in the conflict. At 4:40 pm on February 15, 1898, the Maine exploded and sank in Havana Harbor. The source of the explosion was not known. Some thought that it may have been from a Spanish mine. Others thought there may have been a spy on board the ship sent to destroy it. Even though the United States said it might have been an accident on board, the US citizens were sent into a frenzy by â€Å"yellow journalism†that was published by men like Pulitzer and Hearst. The information posted by these yellow journalist increased the anti-Spanish feelings and made more and more people favor war. Also, when Congress passed the Fifty Million Dollar bill, which gave the president 50 million dollars to prepare for a war before it is declared, it made people more and more ready for a war and it also made them support it. Many countries in Europe tried to intervene in the situation without actually getting involved into the conflict. Most of Europe expressed sympathy for Spain and tried to talk to the US, but they would not support Spain in the conflict or in the event of a war. Also, Great Britain supported the United States all through the war and gave them advice. The two countries became uneasy as they both began to prepare their army and navy for a war in the sea and on land.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Character Analysis on Boxer (Animal Farm) Essay
Horses are well known for their strength and Boxer is no different and he lives up to the expectation of being a strong male horse. Boxer is an almost blind follower to the farm and whoever is in charge of it. His almost unreal strength is a great asset to the rebellion and to the farm as he is capable of working harder than any animal. As soon as he learns about Animalism, Boxer makes himself available to do anything for the rebellion. After the rebellion at the Battle of the Cowshed he proves once again how irreplaceable he is to the farm, as he proves he is a valuable soldier but he shows us that he is a kind and gentle soul as he feels pain when he thinks he has killed the young farm boy. He wakes up early everyday so that he can get more work done around the farm as he gives himself the job of making the farm a better place for his fellow animals. He adopts the maxim â€Å"I will work harder†. This leads him to do great things such as building the windmill twice almost on his own. Unfortunately, Boxer does have the intelligence that we so wish would match his strength (this is clear when he is unable to learn the alphabet past the letter â€Å"D†). He is actually very naà ¯ve and innocent and this leads him to be easily confused and taken advantage of by the pigs and Napoleon. After being taken advantage of many a time, Boxer eventually adopts a second maxim, except this maxim eventually leads to his downfall: â€Å"Napoleon is always right†. Boxer shows devotion like no other to the progression of the farm and this is evident when he collapses as he states â€Å"It is my lung †¦. It does not matter. I think you will be able to finish the windmill without me.†Even when boxer collapses and is close to death, he is still thinking of his work, his fellow comrades and how he can help make the farm better for when he is no longer capable to do more. Sadly for us, Boxer does not seem to grow wiser with age, and even when he is being taken away by the knacker, he needs to be told what is happening before he tries to do something about it. When he realises what’s happening he gets to his feet and tries to kick down the door of the cart but is unable. This is a sad image and a sad end to Boxer as â€Å"there used to be a time when one swift kick of Boxer’s hooves would have kicked down the cart wall with ease†. How fitting is it that such a great animal like Boxer, would be put to death in such a cowardly way and by the animal that he trusted and listened to the most, Napoleon. BOXER’S REPRESENTATION IN REAL LIFE Boxer represents the working class, a person of no great intelligence but very capable and reliable abilities in work that required labouring. He spends his time in the novel helping with the revolution, and then the pigs. Everything he does, he does to the best of his ability, he does this because he knows that his own hard work will result in a better farm for all animals. However, because Napoleon and the pigs view the other animals as workers for their benefit instead of equals, Boxer’s work is never rewarded; when he becomes injured and unable to work, Napoleon sells him to the knackers instead of letting him retire as promised.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
How to Manage International Joint Venture Successfully Essay
There is serious increase in the number of organisations seeking to operate in today’s highly competitive global markets with sustainable competitive advantage. (Taylor, 2004; Ernst & Halevy, 2004). In order to achieve this international expansion, companies use different market entry strategies. Earlier study on IJVs reveals that international joint ventures are the most common means of internationalization (Ernst & Halevy, 2004). This paper shall present a review solution on how to achieve successful IJV alliance In general, international joint venture (IJV) is an equity sharing arrangement between a local firm and a foreign cooperation (government or private) coming together by putting all necessary resources together, sharing risk and operational controls to operate as one independent business entity to accelerate profit and growth or in order to achieve some strategic goals. (Craig C. Julian. 2000). In most IJVs, two companies merge together for the matter of ease and con venience, the two companies involve become the parent of the organization that surface from the merger (Geringer & Hebert, 1989). But there are situations where more than two companies form IJV, this is true in cases where already merged companies try to merge with other bigger companies to establish a single organisation â€Å"T0o compete in an international business environment, firms are forming joint ventures as a mechanism for the enhancement of global competitiveness.†(Cyr, 1995)†IJV can aid an organisation in achieving their business objectives in hostile and uncertain markets (Miller et al., 2007). Clayton-Smith (2012). Suggest that IJV â€Å"offer a great opportunity for multinational businesses to facilitate growth, to gain skill, capabilities, market access, etc.†(For example businesses can cut cost and boost growth by using the same human resources, deliver services with the same computing facilities and even share office infrastructures). IJV comes with many benefits, Kumar &Pavan (2012) describe benefits of IJV to an extent, that is, when companies partner together, they pro vide themselves strength, capacity and expertise to conquer new geographical markets, expand their product portfolio and also for diversification. There are few success stories associated with IJV, (Xerox &Fuji) decade of stormy partnership has survived well, with both companies praising their success on IJV alliance IJV alliances over the past decade have shown a promising future (Kumar&Pavan, 2012). Earlier research on IJV growth and risks by KPMG supports Kumar &Pavan (2012) claims. In (2005), A KPMG finding showed that 64% of US companies will opt for IJV alliances, and Also 52% decided to create a new alliance within two years. Various studies on IJV partnership showed a very optimistic future. Vast majority of executive’s reports show that their IJV alliance has generated about 40% in their annual revenue, Most times, IJVs are created so as to gain access into hostile and uncertain markets (Abroad), which might not be possible otherwise. Definitely two heads working together are better than one, in the same philosophy; two companies would work better than one. Obviously, there will be more resources available when you have two or more companies merged together This optimism of IJVs comes with huge risk, IJVs suffer from several draw backs, these draw backs are the primary reason behind the failure of a large number of IJV partnerships. Research by Kalmbach & Roussel (1999) reveals that 80% of IJVs have failed and only 20% were successful. Another similar study by Neal R. Goodman (2011) estimated 50 to 70 percent failure in International Joint Venture. Matthews (2001). produced a great piece of literature on the reasons behind the failure of IJVs, Matthews (2001) stated the following as defining characteristics of IJVs, â€Å"IJVs need strategic objectives, IJVs are full of management problems, IJVs need to adopt a viable organisation form, IJVs are always transitional structures You have to inject stability into IJVs- it is not there naturally†These characteristics can serve as possible drawbacks of IJVs. Hence giving room for criticism We can shuffle out some vital points from the above mentioned characteristics. The most important one of them is the â€Å"difficulty at the level of operation†. The concept of power control from multiple firms creates troubles and as a result affects the administration of the organisation. Before a merger, each company operate differently with their own set of policies, methods and strategies, when they merge and these fundamentals clash, it might result to problems within the organisation such inter- Organisational issues need serious attention and need to be dealt with in order for the venture to last. So, IJVs can serve as a backbone of organisational problems. These problems can as well cripple the growth of the organisation. Sometimes IJV fails due to the collaboration, culture, structured plans, control procedures, financial and legal mechanisms, and consensus management agreements in place (M.Nixon et al., 2012). Many of the Case Studies on IJV all tend to point to conflicts with vision ,trust, corruption , leadership struggles between both firms and as a result of this, troubles begins to fly in the face of IJV success, Typically. The company with the most shares in any IJV set up tend to have the highest form of authority or sometimes it is decided by voting, these are the methods used in setting up the management of the organisation in most cases. However this can be quite problematic in situations where companies involve have equal shares or even when one company has the minority. Proper representation of each company’s ideals and policies is off course a difficult job it becomes more difficult when the companies involve wide cultural differences. Failure to understand the ethics, values and norms of each other result to IJVs failure. Furthermore, Stability is always not associated with IJVs as it is very difficult to sustain stability in a venture. Many academics associate IJVs with a lifecycle, It is said that any organisation comprising of many different firms tends to be unstable short lived, Multiple firms forming an organization impart this inherent stability simply because of the variation in their individual nature, their culture, their role and their attitude. These cultural issues that adhere to IJV remain a major concern for an effective IJV collaboration. After a serious pounder on the drawbacks of IJVs, There are quite a few theories in place that can help achieve a successful IJV partnership. Kumar&Pavan (2012) defines collaborative strategy as the essential supporting structure for building successful alliances. According to Kumar&Pavan (2012), â€Å"collaborative strategy defines the factors the companies need to look at before forming a Joint Venture alliance. The following are the ‘Golden rules of partnership success’ as given by Cyr (1995)- * A balance of trust and self interest * Anticipation of conflicts * Clear definition of strategic leadership * Flexibility * Acceptance of cultural differences at the level of both the national culture and the corporate culture * Orchestration of technology transfer * Learning from the partner’s strengths In other to deal with some of the challenges that face IJVs today, it is very necessary to have a very strong strategic leadership in place, a leadership that is based by rules and procedures. With a stable leadership clearly in place, chances of conflict are minimized. The leader most be able to incorporate all the attitudes and views of both patties into policies and strategies that will help the organization prosper as a single entity Obliviously, when there are two or more companies within the alliance, every individual will be after the interest or profit that emerge from the venture, this is where the second point drift in, which is â€Å"Balance of self interest and trust†even supposing the international joint ventures has a dominant parent company in control, then interest of all companies involved must be kept intact. The companies involve must have a mutual trust in place and at all times be ready to share risk for the benefits of the organisation as a whole. The organisation at all time must be ready to resolve conflict between firms when they arise and also developing long term strategies for the future of the organisation. With trust in place within the organisation, companies tend to adjust to accommodate and have a clear understanding of each other’s nature of business. A clear understanding of each other’s nature of business (culture) can give a useful insight on how to create newer ways of operation in the organisation. In situations where companies come from different countries, National cultured is there to be coped with. Companies may emerge from the same country but different regions with different cultural setups, even in such cases the difference of cooperative culture is still there to be dealt with. Fair enough, this issue of culture difference can positively turn out as innovations in the field by learning from each other’s strength and weaknesses. Flexibility is a key to creating successful joint vent ures. Variation in cultural backgrounds is seen as a threat to the success of IJV, but it is as well considered that, the more the gap between the cooperating countries less is the chance of survival of the IJV (Barkema & Vermeulen, 1997). Adaptation is very important here. Obviously cultural variation can be quite problematic, but at the same time they can be useful when taken as lessons, and when mixed together to derive newer and better strategies of operation, by putting two or more cultures together not only will it boost growth but can also add to the consumer base. There is issue of management too, the management problem happen to be the most troublesome in IJVs, It is not the control that is the problem but the lack of effective communication. One of the industries that excel in IJV venture is the insurance industry, and good communication channel is among all partners is among the characteristics that contribute to the success of insurance IJVs, They try to maintain viable and con sistent internal harmony that is base on rules and procedures. Effective communication must be maintained at all time and throughout decisions making so that policies don’t appear unilateral or one sided More examples of successful IJVs emerge from Hungary where Hungarian companies inherit experience and knowledge from the parent companies. This is true of several companies from Hungary that have partnered with western organisation (Lyles & Salk, 2007). The western companies come in with new and better technology and also better ways of management and production, and this method have worked for the Hungarian companies with them having good results in return. So, it depends on the level of understanding and adaptability between the companies. Information, market and raw materials are mostly the necessary resources that are available during an IJV alliance.Utilization and circulation of these resources depend on the companies involved. However, the company that fails to utilise these resources end up getting terminated from the Venture alli ance. In 1997-98 up to 20000 IJVs deals were sealed in China (Zhang & Rajagopalan, 2002). One characteristic that help all these IJVs survive was that they were all formed under a governmental pressure. In this case, the intervention from government brought about stability within the organisation. Also companies were relieved off the tension of mutual dependencies which made the inter organisational relationships much easier. In this manner Inter partner credible threat was largely reduced. The rise of globalization and emerging economic power houses of Brazil, Russia, India, and China is seeing more new markets created. IJV will play a commanding role for multinational companies looking to partner with domestic businesses in those markets. As this review has shown the history of IJVs has not always been clear cut (it is a very difficult task to build a successful international joint venture alliance). The 80% failure in IJVs (Kalmbach & Roussel 1999) should not scare multinational companies as there are many different ways of facing this challenges that adhere to IJVs. Management and operation of the organisation must be clearly understood and controlled in a proper way and by the most appropriate individuals. All companies must involve in the operation of the organisation. No firm should be excluded in the affairs of the organisation. The companies involved should be open to change and adaptability so as to combine the best they can all offer. If these few aspect are properly practiced the IJV is doomed to survive Clayton-Smith, . (n.d). What makes a successful joint venture?. Available: Last accessed 10th Dec 2012. T.K. Das, Rajesh Kumar, (2010) â€Å"Interpartner sensemaking in strategic alliances: Managing cultural differences and internal tensions†, Management Decision, Vol. 48 Iss: 1, pp.17 – 36 KPMG International & IESE Business School. (2009). Joint Ventures: A Tool for Growth During the Economic Downturn. Available: Last accessed 4th Dec 2012. Killing,P (1983). Strategies for joint venture success. Westport, CT : Praeger Publishers Inc . p13-38. Gomes-Casseres, B. (1997). Competing in Constellations: The Case of Fuji Xerox. Available: Last accessed 4th Dec 2012. M I L L E R , R., G L E N, J., S P E R S E N, F., A N N I S K A R M O KO L I A S, A.. (1997). International Joint Ventures in Developing Countries . Available: Last accessed 10th Dec 2012. Perkins,S., Morck,R., Yeung, B.. (2008). INNOCENTS ABROAD:THE HAZARDS OF INTERNATIONAL JOINT VENTURES WITH PYRAMIDAL GROUP FIRMS. Available: Last accessed 7th Dec 2012. Gomes-Casseres, B. (2004). Strategy:Managing Beyond the Alliance. Available: Last accessed 4th Dec 2012. Girmscheid,G., Brockmann,C.. (n.d). Trust as a Success Factor in International Joint Ventures. Available: Last accessed 3d Dec 2012. Ernst, D ., Halevy T . (2005). When to think alliance. Available: Last accessed 4th De 2012.
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