Monday, December 30, 2019
The Bill Of Rights The Amendment Rights - 2572 Words
1 . Introduction In 1791, the Bill of Rights was created to specify the individual rights of every human being. Madison James is the creator of the 10 Amendments, he believed it was necessary to create the document to further explain what the Constitution will provide for each person. The Bill of Rights gives every citizen the right to freedom of religion, freedom of speech, as well as the freedom of the press, and lastly the due process rights. This document was formed when the Constitution in 1789 was drafted. Federalist viewed the Bill of Rights as an unnecessary document that the Anti-federalist wanted in order to feel safe in knowing what the Constitution was really about and what was entitled to them. The 9th Amendment assures you cannot be denied certain rights, even if you re not told your rights you still have them. The 9th amendment stated the following, â€Å" the enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights, shall not be constructed to deny or disparage others retained by the pe ople.†This amendment grants you the rights that were not specified in the first 8 Amendments. For example, you have the right to have an abortion and you won t get in trouble because it s not illegal. This amendment was created to limit the power of the government over every individual. This is important for everyone so they aren t taken advantage. In 1965, â€Å"Griswold v. Connecticut,†a supreme court case about the use of birth control. Planned Parenthood League ofShow MoreRelatedThe Bill Of Rights : The Amendment Rights2558 Words  | 11 PagesIn 1791, the Bill of Rights was created to specify the individual rights of every human being. Madison James is the creator of the 10 Amendments, he believed it was necessary to create the document to further explain what the Constitution will provide for each person. The Bill of Rights gives every citizen the right to freedom of religion, freedom of speech, as well as the freedom of the press, and lastly the due proces s rights. This document was formed when the Constitution in 1789 was draftedRead MoreThe Bill Of Rights : The Amendment Rights2558 Words  | 11 PagesIn 1791, the Bill of Rights was created to specify the individual rights of every human being. Madison James is the creator of the 10 Amendments, he believed it was necessary to create the document to further explain what the Constitution will provide for each person. The Bill of Rights gives every citizen the right to freedom of religion, freedom of speech, as well as the freedom of the press, and lastly the due process rights. This document was formed when the Constitution in 1789 was draftedRead MoreBill of Rights and Amendments1353 Words  | 6 PagesBill of Rights and Amendments Bill of Rights and Amendments The United States Constitution was recognized to Americans as a vague statement in clarifying the privileges and the rights of individuals and centralizing the power within the government itself. With the passing of the Bill of Rights and the first ten amendments, it grants the people to what is said to be their â€Å"natural rights†following additional rights that have significantly changed our society. Amendments and Constitution Read MoreThe Bill of Rights Amendments984 Words  | 4 Pagesconstitution has an amendment process that has been included in the Bill of Rights. The amendment allows Americans to make changes to the September 17, 1789 United States Constitution, that was ratified and made law (Zink 450).. The amendment process has made it possible for the constitution to change moderately, than being overhauled, and it has been changed to adhere to the current times and changes. The Second Amendment to the US constitution is part of the Bill of Rights that guarantees all AmericanRead MoreThe Amendment Of The Bill Of Rights1185 Words  | 5 PagesAn important provision of the Bill of Rights is the protection of freedom to publish, as provided by the First Amendment. This protection applies to all kinds of publications, even those that print unpopular opinions. In most censorship cases, every attempt is made to suppress the written word after publication, not before. M innesota passed a law in 1925 that sought to prevent newspapers, magazines, and other publications from printing obscene, malicious, scandalous and defamatory material. ThisRead MoreThe Amendment Of The Bill Of Rights933 Words  | 4 Pagescommit actions unless they are considered lawful; no one is above the law. This can create conflict with our constitutional amendments, because the law can revoke our civil freedoms. Kathleen Ann Ruane, Legislative Attorney, acknowledges that there are exceptions on the first amendment of the Bill of Rights. Ruane notes that some forms of speech are not protected under this right such as obscenity, child pornography, and threats. We need these laws to keep our nation under control and safe; even ifRead MoreThe Fifth Amendment and The Bill of Rights654 Words  | 3 Pagesarea at the time of the murder, he or she has the right to remain silent in order to protect him or herself from self-incrimination, a clause in the Fifth Amendment. The Fi fth Amendment upholds the rights of United States citizens against government prosecution. Introduced to the Bill of Rights in 1789, the Fifth Amendment is a noteworthy amendment both during the past and in today’s world. The Fifth Amendment, along with the rest of the Bill of Rights, was proposed by James Madison, providing a wayRead MoreThe Bill Of Rights And The Amendment Of The Constitution962 Words  | 4 Pagesincluded the Bill of rights that provided us with Freedom (Schweikart, 2004). The bill of rights was established so each citizen is equally treated and allowed to share their idea and not be disgraced for it (Bodenhamer, 1993). The first ten amendments to the constitution of the United States established basic American civil liberties (Schweikart, 2004). The Bill of rights and the amendments of the constitution were written about the same time by the same people. The Bill of Rights and amendments both focusedRead MoreThe Role Of The Amendments And The Bill Of Rights1242 Words  | 5 PagesUnited Kingdom. The Constitution and the Amendments are the basis for the criminal system in this country and the procedures for the courts and the law enforcement community. In this essay, the rol e of the amendments and the Bill of Rights will be examined as they relate to the court system and the criminal justice system as a whole. One of the significant amendments in criminal policy is the Fourth Amendment. The documents notable components are; the right to be free from unreasonable searches andRead MoreUs Bill of Rights First Amendment1740 Words  | 7 PagesMary Cathleen ThomasUnited States GovernmentGovt-2305-54245Jinnell Killingsworth | U.S. Bill of Rights | â€Å"Amendment I†| | | 2/19/2011 | | â€Å"The First Amendment†In the beginning, our founding fathers where working on drafting a formal Constitution for our newly formed country. The representatives for some of the newly formed states, worried about the current draft of the Constitution. Many of the states and there representatives, had concerns about the wording of the current
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