Monday, December 30, 2019
The Bill Of Rights The Amendment Rights - 2572 Words
1 . Introduction In 1791, the Bill of Rights was created to specify the individual rights of every human being. Madison James is the creator of the 10 Amendments, he believed it was necessary to create the document to further explain what the Constitution will provide for each person. The Bill of Rights gives every citizen the right to freedom of religion, freedom of speech, as well as the freedom of the press, and lastly the due process rights. This document was formed when the Constitution in 1789 was drafted. Federalist viewed the Bill of Rights as an unnecessary document that the Anti-federalist wanted in order to feel safe in knowing what the Constitution was really about and what was entitled to them. The 9th Amendment assures you cannot be denied certain rights, even if you re not told your rights you still have them. The 9th amendment stated the following, â€Å" the enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights, shall not be constructed to deny or disparage others retained by the pe ople.†This amendment grants you the rights that were not specified in the first 8 Amendments. For example, you have the right to have an abortion and you won t get in trouble because it s not illegal. This amendment was created to limit the power of the government over every individual. This is important for everyone so they aren t taken advantage. In 1965, â€Å"Griswold v. Connecticut,†a supreme court case about the use of birth control. Planned Parenthood League ofShow MoreRelatedThe Bill Of Rights : The Amendment Rights2558 Words  | 11 PagesIn 1791, the Bill of Rights was created to specify the individual rights of every human being. Madison James is the creator of the 10 Amendments, he believed it was necessary to create the document to further explain what the Constitution will provide for each person. The Bill of Rights gives every citizen the right to freedom of religion, freedom of speech, as well as the freedom of the press, and lastly the due proces s rights. This document was formed when the Constitution in 1789 was draftedRead MoreThe Bill Of Rights : The Amendment Rights2558 Words  | 11 PagesIn 1791, the Bill of Rights was created to specify the individual rights of every human being. Madison James is the creator of the 10 Amendments, he believed it was necessary to create the document to further explain what the Constitution will provide for each person. The Bill of Rights gives every citizen the right to freedom of religion, freedom of speech, as well as the freedom of the press, and lastly the due process rights. This document was formed when the Constitution in 1789 was draftedRead MoreBill of Rights and Amendments1353 Words  | 6 PagesBill of Rights and Amendments Bill of Rights and Amendments The United States Constitution was recognized to Americans as a vague statement in clarifying the privileges and the rights of individuals and centralizing the power within the government itself. With the passing of the Bill of Rights and the first ten amendments, it grants the people to what is said to be their â€Å"natural rights†following additional rights that have significantly changed our society. Amendments and Constitution Read MoreThe Bill of Rights Amendments984 Words  | 4 Pagesconstitution has an amendment process that has been included in the Bill of Rights. The amendment allows Americans to make changes to the September 17, 1789 United States Constitution, that was ratified and made law (Zink 450).. The amendment process has made it possible for the constitution to change moderately, than being overhauled, and it has been changed to adhere to the current times and changes. The Second Amendment to the US constitution is part of the Bill of Rights that guarantees all AmericanRead MoreThe Amendment Of The Bill Of Rights1185 Words  | 5 PagesAn important provision of the Bill of Rights is the protection of freedom to publish, as provided by the First Amendment. This protection applies to all kinds of publications, even those that print unpopular opinions. In most censorship cases, every attempt is made to suppress the written word after publication, not before. M innesota passed a law in 1925 that sought to prevent newspapers, magazines, and other publications from printing obscene, malicious, scandalous and defamatory material. ThisRead MoreThe Amendment Of The Bill Of Rights933 Words  | 4 Pagescommit actions unless they are considered lawful; no one is above the law. This can create conflict with our constitutional amendments, because the law can revoke our civil freedoms. Kathleen Ann Ruane, Legislative Attorney, acknowledges that there are exceptions on the first amendment of the Bill of Rights. Ruane notes that some forms of speech are not protected under this right such as obscenity, child pornography, and threats. We need these laws to keep our nation under control and safe; even ifRead MoreThe Fifth Amendment and The Bill of Rights654 Words  | 3 Pagesarea at the time of the murder, he or she has the right to remain silent in order to protect him or herself from self-incrimination, a clause in the Fifth Amendment. The Fi fth Amendment upholds the rights of United States citizens against government prosecution. Introduced to the Bill of Rights in 1789, the Fifth Amendment is a noteworthy amendment both during the past and in today’s world. The Fifth Amendment, along with the rest of the Bill of Rights, was proposed by James Madison, providing a wayRead MoreThe Bill Of Rights And The Amendment Of The Constitution962 Words  | 4 Pagesincluded the Bill of rights that provided us with Freedom (Schweikart, 2004). The bill of rights was established so each citizen is equally treated and allowed to share their idea and not be disgraced for it (Bodenhamer, 1993). The first ten amendments to the constitution of the United States established basic American civil liberties (Schweikart, 2004). The Bill of rights and the amendments of the constitution were written about the same time by the same people. The Bill of Rights and amendments both focusedRead MoreThe Role Of The Amendments And The Bill Of Rights1242 Words  | 5 PagesUnited Kingdom. The Constitution and the Amendments are the basis for the criminal system in this country and the procedures for the courts and the law enforcement community. In this essay, the rol e of the amendments and the Bill of Rights will be examined as they relate to the court system and the criminal justice system as a whole. One of the significant amendments in criminal policy is the Fourth Amendment. The documents notable components are; the right to be free from unreasonable searches andRead MoreUs Bill of Rights First Amendment1740 Words  | 7 PagesMary Cathleen ThomasUnited States GovernmentGovt-2305-54245Jinnell Killingsworth | U.S. Bill of Rights | â€Å"Amendment I†| | | 2/19/2011 | | â€Å"The First Amendment†In the beginning, our founding fathers where working on drafting a formal Constitution for our newly formed country. The representatives for some of the newly formed states, worried about the current draft of the Constitution. Many of the states and there representatives, had concerns about the wording of the current
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Hiv / Aids Hiv And Aids - 892 Words
Since the nineteen hundreds, Africa coped with countless problems related to HIV and AIDS. Anthropologists, scientists, doctors, and psychologists discussed theories related to the issues presented by HIV/AIDS. Researchers study the effects of poverty, polygamy, geography, and social relationships on HIV/AIDS. One of the prevalent theories on how the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) spread is through the increase of sex workers in Africa. An increase in sex work correlates to an increase in poverty. Due to the economy and culture, women turned to sex working as a way of acquiring income. In order to reduce HIV contraction among sex workers and their clients, a change in intervention methods and legislation is needed to protect the rights of those in poverty and stop the spread of HIV/AIDS. HIV is a virus that affects the immune system by destroying the white blood cells. After living with HIV and not treating it, it can completely ruin the immune systems and then becomes Acquired I mmunodeficiency Syndrome. The virus is spread through the contact of bodily fluids, which means it can be contract in a variety of different ways. Some of the most common ways are sexual contact, sharing needles, or blood transfusions. This virus carries a heavy burden in Africa because it â€Å"originated in central Africa†(Pepin, 6). Also, due to the culture and beliefs of the African people, HIV/AIDS spread rapidly in Africa. There were a plethora of contributions to the AIDS epidemic, sexShow MoreRelatedHiv / Aids And Aids1472 Words  | 6 PagesHIV/AIDS is the major ongoing issue attacking sub-Saharan Africa. The damage caused by HIV/AIDS strips families, communities, and increases poverty. In Kenya, the plague has mainly targeted those in the fertile and reproductive age groups. According to estimates by the United Nations of AIDS (UNAIDS), â€Å"Indication of 22.5 million people were living with HIV in Africa, over 1.6 million people were estimated to have died fr om this syndrome, and well over 11 million children have been orphaned by AIDSRead MoreAids : Hiv / Aids Essay1330 Words  | 6 PagesLauren Kennedy United States HIV/AIDS Part 1: Background of Topic: What became later known as aids was detected in West Africa when scientists identified a species of chimpanzees that had a version of this virus in their immune system. They later found out that the disease was transmitted to humans and created into HIV when people hunted these animals for food and came in contact with their infected blood. Decade after decade this illness swooped over Africa like a blanket and began to spread toRead MoreHiv/Aids Essay1086 Words  | 5 PagesHIV/AIDS BSHS302 May 21, 2012 Faye Flanagan HIV/AIDS Social issues facing HIV/AIDS today are as diverse as the people that are affected by the disease. Advocating for a large group of people takes action at the macro human service practice. The goals and intervention strategies will be similar to micro human service and will involve the same strategies to bring justice to human rights for all members of society. One strategy is including a broader range of other diversity in research inRead MoreThe Epidemic Of Hiv And Aids1535 Words  | 7 Pagespopulation include providing access to health care, HIV testing and syringe services programs. The Office of HIV Planning in Philadelphia focuses on the needs of the population, conducts community outreaches and educational sessions. As previously stated, 32 state Medicaid programs reimburse for routine HIV screening of adults aged 15-65 years, regardless of risk. This policy allows for individuals to more likely participate in this screening process. HIV testing can be done through health care professionalsRead MoreThe Effects of Hiv/Aids2132 Words  | 9 Pages | QUESTION: Discuss the impact of HIV/AIDS on education. CONTENTS 1.) Introduction. 2.) Discussion. i.) loss of professionals to the effects of HIV and AIDS ii) Funds channeled to combat effects of HIV and AIDS on education in Kenya iii) High dropout rates to the effects of HIV and AIDS on education iv) The introduction of HIV and AIDS as a unit on the Kenyan syllabus v)  Stigmatizations caused by the effects of HIV and AIDS on education in Kenya 3.) Conclusion Read MorePrevalence Of Hiv / Aids1525 Words  | 7 PagesPrevalence of HIV/AIDS in Ohio It was already stated that the HIV/AIDS epidemic impacts persons regardless of sex, age, race/ethnic group and/or geographic region in Ohio, but certain populations seem to be more impacted than others. There are 11, 544,225 people living in Ohio. 80% are white, 12% are black, 3% are Hispanic, and less than 2% are Asian. Each year in Ohio, about 1,000 people are diagnosed with HIV. In 2013, 1,180 people were diagnosed. Overall, there are almost 20,000 known to be livingRead MoreHiv/Aids in Nigeria6960 Words  | 28 PagesLITERATURE 2.0 INTRODUCTION HIV/AIDs has been ranked among the common disease of all times that is threatening us with the extinction of youths and adults. It is not only terrorizing the entire generation but also kills and leaves millions of orphans for the oldest grandparent to carter for. 2.1 HIV/AIDS IN NIGERIA According to USAID brief (2004), Nigerian epidemic is characterized by one of the most rapidly increasing rates of new HIV/AIDS cases in West Africa. Adult HIV prevalence increased fromRead More AIDS/HIV Essay2283 Words  | 10 PagesHuman Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), can be transmitted through unprotected sexual intercourse, sharing contaminated needles and syringes, mother to child (perinatal) and contaminated blood product (National Association of Health Authorities, 1988). 1.2 PURPOSE OF THE RESEARCH Late HIV diagnosis remains a major problem among black Africans in England. In 2007, about 42 per cent of black Africans diagnosed with HIV were diagnosed late (HPA, 2008a). This compromises their survival chances becauseRead MoreStigma of Hiv/Aids1812 Words  | 8 PagesStigma of HIV/AIDS It goes without saying that HIV and AIDS are as much about social phenomena as they are about biological and medical concerns. From the moment scientists identified HIV and AIDS, social responses of fear, denial, stigma, and discrimination have accompanied the epidemic. Discrimination has spread rapidly, fuelling anxiety and prejudice against the groups most commonly affected, as well as those living with HIV or AIDS. One of the main reasons for this is the lack of educationRead MoreAids : Hiv And The Pursuit Of Happiness1366 Words  | 6 PagesThe AIDS epidemic has been a controversial debate for many years. As Sturken says in her text, there is discourse on AIDS of hysteria and blame, but AIDS also produces a discourse of defiance and criticism (Sturken 147). Using Sturken’s article AIDS and The Politics of Representation and the film Living Proof: HIV and the Pursuit of Happiness I will discuss the two different discourses and views of AIDS. These simultaneous discourse s on AIDS, result from the variation of ways people in our society
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Product Proposal Template Free Essays
Product Proposal Template †¢ [Bulleted lists and bracketed text are descriptive, and should not appear in final documents. ] †¢ Assume your proposal will be one of many reviewed by potential investors. It should be accurate, concise, and self-contained. We will write a custom essay sample on Product Proposal Template or any similar topic only for you Order Now Don’t assume the reader is familiar with you or your product. †¢ The proposal should be well organized, clearly written, and flow smoothly from one item to the next. The style and information should be consistent, even if different people write different parts. †¢ Use graphics (charts, diagrams, etc) where they can be more effective than text (â€Å"a picture is worth a thousand words†). Do not use cutesy or unnecessary pictures. †¢ Include or attach tables or spreadsheets for lists and comparisons. Product Proposal for [Concept] Executive Summary †¢ Write the summary last, not first. †¢ Summarize all key ideas from the proposal in less than one page. †¢ Describe the product in the first paragraph. †¢ Do not use graphics, tables, etc. Overview 1 Introduction †¢ Describe the product, its key features and functionality. 2 Abbreviations and Definitions †¢ List and define all abbreviations and non-standard terms used. 3 Background Describe any background required to understand the product or its importance, including market or technology trends. Market Analysis 1 Needs Analysis †¢ Describe who needs the product, and why. †¢ For each market of interest, describe key characteristics, including size. †¢ Summarize the customer’s total cost. Include hardware unless you are assuming that your customers already own the necessary hardware. 2 Competitive Analysis †¢ Describe competing products, and their relative strengths ; weaknesses. †¢ Include or attach a table to summarize key characteristics. †¢ Use text (or subsections) for details not easily captured in the table. Feature or Characteristic |[Proposed Product] |Competitor(s) | | | |[#1] |[#2] |[#3] |[#4] | | | | | | | | Requirements 1 Actors ; Use Cases †¢ Describe the general categories of people who will use the product. †¢ Describe any external systems that will interact with the product. For each actor, describe why and how they interact with the product. †¢ For each actor, describe any special characteristics or backgrou nd. †¢ Include or attach a table to summarize which actors perform which use cases, especially if there is overlap. |Use Case |Actor(s) | | |[#1] |[#2] |[#3] |[#4] |[#5] | | | | | | | | Requirements †¢ Include or attach a table (or a full spreadsheet) to list and describe key requirements, such as: o hardware or software (platform dependencies) o performance o networking o concurrency o data storage o internationalization (multiple languages, currencies, time zones) o error handling ; security o testing ; documentation o installation Category |Requirement |Priorit|Phase |Cost | | | |y | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 3 Deliverables List and describe items that must be completed in order to complete this product, such as: o hardware components o software components o packaging ; documentation o licenses, user names, passwords Design 1 User Interfaces †¢ Describe the user interface(s). †¢ Include or attach sketches or mockups of GUI screens where applicable. 2 UML Design D iagrams †¢ Describe the key data objects and relationships (data diagrams). †¢ Describe any complex interactions among actors and product components (interaction diagrams). †¢ Describe the logical and physical architecture (deployment diagrams). Include or attach diagrams where applicable. 3 Other †¢ Describe any other design issues, such as: o novel algorithms or data structures o significant challenges or risks o 3rd party components you will use (commercial, open source, etc) o potential patents Project Plan 1 Team and Organization †¢ Describe each member of your team and their roles and responsibilities. †¢ Describe any missing skills you will need to make this product successful. †¢ Describe how your team is organized. 2 Estimates ; Schedule †¢ Describe the expected project schedule. Include or attach applicable tables or planning diagrams, such as: o work breakdown schedules (WBS) o PERT/CPM networks, Gantt charts, etc. (if applicable) |Date |Own er |Action or Deliverable | | | | | | | | | Resource ; Budget Requirements †¢ List and describe any needed resources (equipment, facilities, services, etc). †¢ List all costs required to build and deploy the product, including: o Supporting hardware and software that must be purchased o Effort by developers, testers, writers, etc o Sales and marketing †¢ List expected revenue sources and projected revenue. †¢ Describe your expected profit margin. †¢ Include or attach applicable tables or spreadsheets. Category |Item |Count |Unit Cost |Total Cost | | | | | | | | | | | | | 4 Risks †¢ List and describe risks that could affect features, schedule, or cost. For each, estimate probability and impact, and describe possible responses. †¢ Include or attach applicable tables or spreadsheets. |Category |Risk |Prob |Impact |Response | | | | | | | | | | | | | References †¢ List citations for any published material (including books, articles, product documentation, and web pages) used when preparing the proposal, whether or not they are quoted or cited elsewhere in the proposal. How to cite Product Proposal Template, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
Organizational Behavior for Business and Management Invention
Question: Discuss about theOrganizational Behavior for Business and Management Invention. Answer: Topic: Employees should be passionate about their jobs. It is not the responsibility of managers to motivate them. In the current business scenario, self motivation of the employees is much important due to the reason that after a certain extent, external motivating factors will be not effective for them. However, still there is a certain extent to which, managers can motivate their employees and it is their responsibility to motivate them. There are various arguments given by different authors regarding the responsibility of the managers in motivating their employees. Maslows hierarchy of needs According to Maslow, there are some needs, which should be fulfilled by the managers only for their employees. According to him, safety and security need consist of both internal and external motivating factors. For instance, the health, family and social stability are the internal motivating factors for the employees. On the other hand, employment and financial security are the job of the managers (Jerome, 2013). They should provide timely promotion and increments to the employees in order to make them financially stable. This will motivate the employees in their workplace. In addition, in the self-esteem level, it is the duty and responsibility of the managers to provide reward and recognition to the employees. This will help the employees to be motivated in their workplace. Thus, it can be concluded that managers are having the responsibility n motivating their employees. X and Y theory Another theory stated by McGregor regarding the motivation of the employees. According to him, there are mainly two types of employees in the workplace. One section of employees is considered as X. This section of employees is hate work in their workplace. On the other hand, Y section of employees is self motivated in their workplace. According to the author, it is the responsibility of the managers to motivate the X type of employees. Managers can initiate negative motivating factors such as coercion (Gannon Boguszak, 2013). In addition, managers can initiate democratic type of leadership in order to keep the employees engages. Therefore, in the both the cases, it is seen that managers are having the responsibilities to motivate both negative and positive employees. Herzbergs Two-factor Theory According to Herzbergs two factor theory, there are mainly two types of factors, which determine the level of motivation of the employees. According to the author, hygiene factors include the basic facilities for the employees to be given in their workplace (Yusoff, Kian Idris, 2013). On the other hand, motivating factors are the factors that include the added facilities such as reward and recognition. The author stated that it is the responsibility of the managers to determine the level of motivation and satisfaction of the employees by providing more or less hygiene and motivator factors. Thus, from the above discussion, it can be concluded that discussion of different motivation theories states that managers are having much responsibilities in motivating their employees. Though it is true that employees should be passionate about their job, but it is the responsibility of the managers to enhance the motivation level of the employees. Reference Gannon, D., Boguszak, A. (2013). Douglas McgregorS Theory X And Theory Y.CRIS-Bulletin of the Centre for Research and Interdisciplinary Study,2013(2), 85-93. Jerome, N. (2013). Application of the Maslows hierarchy of need theory; impacts and implications on organizational culture, human resource and employees performance.International Journal of Business and Management Invention,2(3), 39-45. Yusoff, W. F. W., Kian, T. S., Idris, M. T. M. (2013). Herzbergs Two Factors Theory On Work Motivation: Does Its Work For Todays Environment.Global journal of commerce and Management,2(5), 18-22.
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Carbohydrates Are Present In Sugars, Starch, Acids, And In Many Other
Carbohydrates are present in sugars, starch, acids, and in many other nutrients that consist elements of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Having a ratio of 1: 2: 1 or written as CH20. A monosaccharide meaning monomer of sugar is a simple carbohydrate. Containing backbone of five carbon atoms that are present in ribose and deoxyribose, components of RNA and DNA. Glucose a six carbon atom that is common cellulose, starch, and glycogen are classified as polysaccharide, Known as a complex carbohydrate, with straight or branched chains of many sugar monomers. These categories of carbohydrates are tested in two laboratory experiments. It will allow us (my partner and I) to detect the presence of sugar or starch. The first test, using two different solutions to expose the presence of sugar or starch by color alteration. I hypothesize that both samples of the experiment will result differently in order to pursue the next test. The second test consists of 9 food items, identifying the appearance of sugar or starch. I guess in identifying 75% out of the 9 items right. Conducting both experiments will test my hypotheses either right or wrong. The first experiment on simple and complex carbohydrates, several tools and liquids were obtained: two test tubes, spot plate, test tube holder, benedicts reagent, lugol's iodine, 10% karo syrup solution, 1% starch solution. In a test tube (holding it with a test tube holder,) my partner fills 1 cm from the bottom of 10% karo syrup solution. With the benedicts reagent I gently add four drops, then quickly placed the tube in 98 degrees of boiling water, at 3:17p.m. While waiting for 3 minutes, we noticed that before placing the tube in the boiling water, the benedict reagent in the 10% karo syrup was blue. After heating, we observed at 3:20 p.m. that the benedict solution activated and turned yellow. Which meant that sugar (simple carbohydrate) was present in the karo syrup. A different procedure was conducted to test starch. Using a spot plate, 1% of starch (about 4 drops) was placed into the well spot. Then two drops of lugols iodine was added. It generated a dark purple color with immediate contact with the iodine. The results for this experiment meant that lugols iodine would test purple, positive for complex carbohydrate and yellow for simple carbohydrates. Both samples of the experiment resulted differently agreeing with my hypotheses. With the color alteration of benedict reagent and lugols iodine, my partner and I was ready to test sugar and starch on the 9 food items. Know will test the 9 items, to state weather starch or sugar is present. I made a prediction that 75% of the items would be identified correctly. The experiment consist of: apple juice, potato juice, salt water, baking powder solution, baking soda solution, ozorka flavored water, powdered sugar solution, clearly Canadian flavored water, vinegar, benedicts reagent, lugols iodine, wax pencil, and 18 test tubes. My partner numbered the test tubes, having two sets from 1 through 9. He filled one set while I filled the other, both with food solution about, 1 cm from the bottom of the test tubes. After filling the tubes, we placed 5 drops of benedicts reagent on one set, then placing them in boiling water at about 98 degrees for five minutes (3:40 p.m.). Within the five minutes, I placed three drops of lugols iodine on the second set (3:42 p.m.). We shook the tubes, then resting them for 3 minutes. At 3:45 p.m., my partner took out the benedict set, and we started to record our result as w e also recorded the lugols iodine. We both had amazing outputs; I resulted on having 6 items accurately correct out of the 9. Baking soda solution and vinegar failed both the benedict and lugols iodine fluids, appearing negative results for sugar and starch. I predicted that Salt water would show starch therefore it appeared negative. Vinegar has an acidic elements, that are naturally fermented by which bacterium (prokaryotic) go through, an anaerobic cycle. Baking soda is a sodium bicarbonate, it is naturally occurring in the form of an ore called torna. It releases more OH , which it has a pH above 7. Salt is a sodium chloride, also
Monday, November 25, 2019
How to Make Radioactive-Looking Slime
How to Make Radioactive-Looking Slime The slime you might find in a real Mad Scientists lab would probably be the result of some horrible genetic mutation. You can make slime that looks radioactive and toxic, yet is actually easy to make and safe. Heres how you do it. Slime Materials 4-oz bottle school glue gelboraxwaterfood coloring Prepare the Slime Solutions You make slime by mixing together a borax solution and a glue solution. Prepare these solutions first and then use just the amount you need to make perfect slime. Borax Solution Take about a half cup of hot water and stir in borax until it stops dissolving. The solution may be a little cloudy. That is fine. You will use the liquid part for making slime, not the gritty stuff at the bottom of the container. Glue Solution The trick to making translucent extra-slimy slime is using the right glue. You can use white glue, but the slime will be opaque. If you want clear jelly-like slime, use the glue gel. It is usually pale blue, but a little food coloring can turn it any color. Stir 4-oz of glue into 1 cup of water.Add a couple of drops of food coloring. The radioactive chemistry green-yellow color is obtained by adding 2 drops of yellow or 2 drops yellow and 1 drop of green coloring, depending on how green you want the slime. Make Slime Just mix together 1/3 cup of the borax solution and 1 cup of the glue solution. If you are making bigger batches of slime, just use 1 part borax solution and three parts glue solution. It is fine to use your hands. I posted a video so you can see what to expect. Make it Glow You can make the slime glow very brightly under a black light if you break open a yellow highlighter, remove the stick containing the ink, and let it bleed into the water you use to make the slime. Wear gloves when breaking the highlighter pen unless you want highlighted fingers. Also, avoid getting any fluorescent slime on furniture or any other surface that might be stained by the ink. Store Your Slime When you arent using your slime, keep it in a sealed plastic bag so that it wont dry out. It will stay moist and disgusting for a couple of weeks if you store the bag in the refrigerator. How Slime Works When you mix the glue and the borax a chemical change occurs in the polymer in the glue, polyvinyl acetate. Cross-linking bonds are formed, making the glue stick to you less and to itself more. You can experiment with the amount of glue, water, and borax that you use to make the slime more fluid or stiffer. The molecules in the polymer are not fixed in place, so you can stretch the slime.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Discussion Board Post Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Discussion Board Post - Assignment Example Christian educators mainly spell out the procedures involved in the total structure of the school curriculum. This means that all processes and procedures are anchored on a distinct theory of knowledge (Rieger, 2009). Furthermore, Christian schools are set up on the premise that every truth is God’s truth. They also believe that God is the key aspect in the passing of knowledge. It is vital to note that a majority of all education received from Christian schools somewhat has a Christian basis (Rieger, 2009). This, however, does not mean that Christian schools use the Bible in everything they do, but they refer to the Bible in order to evaluate all areas and sources of Knowledge. It is correct to conclude that the purpose of as a Christian school is mainly two-fold. To offer Bible content is the main purpose and an educational service in other areas of knowledge is the second purpose. These are the main characteristics of a Christian
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Organizational Culture at Shoenman and Associates Case Study
Organizational Culture at Shoenman and Associates - Case Study Example According to the paper, Shoenman and associates has provided an opportunity for its employees to have fun and enjoy the end of the year. However, fun in the context of this company has been institutionalized through the development of second order relationships among the top executives and other employees. By placing the part over Christmas, a time when people have fun and relax, the company has developed a strong culture of enhancing the social being of the employees. Furthermore, Friday is a weekend synonymous with fun, partying and get together in different institutions. However, shoenman and associates Christmas party makes it a form of appreciating the roles of every employee at such a point in time. Of unique significance in this party, is the fact that the employees are expected to attend alone, without tagging their partners along? This highlights the role of this session in not only having fun within the company, but also discussing business related issues only. The culture developed by Shoenman and associate creates a room for the interaction of employees, irrespective of qualification and position in the company. This is a community kind of relationship where an interpersonal relationship is developed in which freedom is provided to each employee. Employees enjoy each other spontaneously and in a free environment without the intimidator work environment, which is common in various organizations. The practices at Shoenman and associate have significant cultural symbolism, which various organizations can emulate in order to improve the relationship between it and the employees. The Christmas party symbolizes the social drama that characterizes various organizations including Shoenman and associate as depicted in this article.Â
Monday, November 18, 2019
The Necklace by Guy de Maupassant and Roman Fever by Edith Wharton Essay
The Necklace by Guy de Maupassant and Roman Fever by Edith Wharton - Essay Example This essay explores the importance of endings in two stories "The Necklace" by Guy de Maupassant, and "Roman Fever" by Edith Wharton. Ending have been used to facilitate an unexpected change of plot /achieve plot twist towards the end in the two stories. The type of ending used here is called twist ending. There is an unexpected change of outcome towards the end of the story and this brings up an unexpected conclusion to the story. For example, the two women start talking about the mix of love relationships they had before they just got married. Mrs. Ansley had been in love with the husband of Mrs. Slade before he married her. The two woman had been living as friends since childhood and were now chatting as friends as well. Just towards the end of the story, they reveal the grudges they have had against each other all this years and the tricks they had played on each other. For old woman, and both being widows, this is not the kind of thing anyone would expect them to hold much impor tance to youthful love battles (Wharton 1). Looking at the story the necklace, the author has also successfully managed to use a twist ending. Loisel and her had bought a new necklace for Mrs. Forester to replace the lost necklace and had kept this as a secret between themselves for 10 good years. They had been paying dearly for it and no one would expect that Loisel would want to reveal it least it brings up an enemity between them. Surprisingly, Loisel decided to tell Mrs. Forester the truth. To her amazement, she was not angered, instead, Mrs. Forester showed love to her old friend and even confessed that her original necklace was not real diamond nut fake, costing only five hundred francs (Maupassant 1). The importance of the use of twist ending in the two stories allows the readers of the two stories to re-evaluate the narratives and their characters as well. For example, one would have thought Mrs. Forester as a harsher strict women because of the fear in Loisel and her husban d. However, a reverse of this was revealed when she takes Loisel in two hands and tells her the truth behind her old necklaces. The type of ending is also important in allowing the readers to make discoveries in the two stories for example, only through the last portion of the story do the readers come to know the things that contributed to the somehow cold type of friendship and hidden grudges between Mrs. Ansley and Mrs. Slade. It reveals the romantic rivalry in their youth that made Mrs Slade to harbour feelings of hatred and jealousy against Mrs Ansley. By the words of Mrs. Ansley, †I had Barbara†, it reveals Barbara was an illegitimate child she had with Delphin, Mrs. Slades husband. At the same time, it helps to reveal the truth behind the rich-looking nature of Mrs Forester. She was not that rich but she gained status by going for substitutes and no one knew of this. Endings have also been used in the two stories to surprise their audiences. This type of ending is called surprise ending. The use of surprise ending as revealed in the last lines by Mrs. Ansley in the story the Roman fever. No reader would imagine the daughters of the two women were not only friends. They were sisters. Mrs. Ansley surprises her friend and the audience of the story by speaking in a way that revealed that Mrs. Slade’s plan to disappoint her friend and make her separate from her fiancee had turned out to be her luck. The
Friday, November 15, 2019
The Hawthrone Studies And Their Implications
The Hawthrone Studies And Their Implications According to Hucyznski and Buchanan, In the United States, during the 1920s and 1930s, the Hawthorne studies were to lead to the creation of the human relations movement and a highly influential school of academic and practical management thinking. The Hawthorne studies revolutionised the way in which the management of an organization deals with its human resources and the relationship between the different levels of the human resource chain. The Human Relations Movement originated in the United States of America and was the outcome of the Hawthrone Studies. The Movement and its basic theories were developed primarily by Elton Mayo. These experiments were conducted in the Western Electric Hawthrone Works in Chicago from the early 1920s to the 1930s. The Hawthorne Studies involved the examination and measurement of the affect of physical working conditions such as lighting, humidity, cleanliness, etc. and psychological factors such as managerial leadership, payment systems, working hours and respites between work on the output and productivity of the workers and on employee motivation. The most significant discovery from the Hawthorne experiments was that workers were not so much impacted by physical working conditions and remunerations, or by changes thereof, than they were by the very fact that they were being observed. When workers became aware that they were being supervised, they felt that they were an imperative part of the organization. They felt the need to perform better. This raised employee morale and motivation and in turn increased employee productivity. Thus, the term Hawthorne Effect was coined and used widely to denote the improvement or modification of the behaviour of a subject under study due to the fact that it was being studied. Subsequent studies that were conducted revealed that informal groups and informal social conventions within the organisation played an important role in determining the work habits and opinions of the workers along with the organisation and conduct of work. Course of the Experiments Changes in Lighting: The initial step in the experiments was the gauging of worker productivity against changes in the intensity of lighting conditions. Two groups were selected, lighting being changed for one, but kept constant for the other. However both groups were under the impression that lighting was changed. Mayo observed that output rose in both cases. Relay Assembly: This was the most crucial aspect of the experiments. These were conducted mainly on a small group of six women to test their responses to certain changes, over a period of five years. First, Mayo attempted to find a correlation between fatigue and monotony and productivity. Changes were made in the work hours, break timings, lunch timings, piece works and physical conditions to assess the workers responses to each. Next, a group was employed in assembling relays. The effect of changes was evaluated to see how these changes influenced the production and rate of relay assembly. Throughout the experiments an observer or supervisor was made to record the events and incidents, to direct the women and provide help and information where needed and to listen to their feedbacks and complaints. The most startling observation that was made during these experiments was that the output reached the maximum point when all the incentives, breaks and piece works were taken away from the workers and they were returned to working 48 hour six day weeks. This defied the notion that physical, economic and material benefits affect productivity to the highest degree. Here social factors were at play. The women worked sincerely and to the best of their abilities as a result of being free from any type of coercion. The sense of importance they were endowed with urged them to improve performance. The women under investigation were given the liberty to choose their own techniques of putting the relay parts together. It was noticed that each of them followed different patterns and introduced innovative techniques to avoid monotony. The freedom of movement accorded to the women encouraged them to work responsibly, without inhibitions and incited them to execute tasks in an enhanced manner. Interviews: Interviews were conducted with the workers to establish their attitude towards their work. It was uncovered that the relationships that existed between the workers and their supervisors and management were highly significant. Bank Wiring Observation Room: A sample of 14 workers were taken from the production line and observed for six months. No changes in working conditions were implemented. It was noticed that workers developed their own procedures and methods to protect their interests. Production was constant, even after changes in compensation. Counselling: Counselling sessions were held to discern the problems and complaints of workers towards their jobs. Inferences The results of the experiments led Mayo to draw the following conclusions: Work is a group activity. Workers should be considered a part of the group, but also as individuals. The status of the worker within the group, the recognition of his work and a sense of belonging impacts his productivity more than working conditions or pay scales. Workers are motivated by the attention and importance given to them by their supervisors. The relationship of the worker with his superiors and with the management was imperative to his performance and efficiency. Social and emotional factors play a vital part in determining productivity of workers. The workplace is a social system and the workers are influenced by internal and external social demands. Informal groups within an organisation have a strong bearing on the attitudes and behaviour of the workers. Group cooperation needs to be planned and cultivated. According to Wilson and Rosenfeld, George Elton Mayo stressed the following: Natural groups, in which social aspects take precedence over functional organizational structures. Upwards communication, by which communication is two way, from worker to chief executive, as well as vice versa. Cohesive and good leadership is needed to communicate goals and to ensure effective and coherent decision making. Thus, Elton Mayo looked at the organisation of work from a totally new perspective. He stressed on the social, rather than technical organisation of work. The inferences made by Elton Mayo led to the development of the Human Relations Movement. The implications of Mayos perspectives on modern day organisations are immense. The propositions laid down by Mayo were radical and changed the way in which organisations view their workers and their productive capacities. Mayos suggestions are the premise of human relations and their management in various organisations, even today. Importance of Human Relations Movement for Todays Organisations Mayo and his ideas have made organisations recognise the fact that apart from monetary and material rewards, social satisfaction and a sense of belonging is also important for the workers of the company. In order to guarantee that a worker will perform to the best of his ability, not only his economic but also emotional and social needs must be taken into account. Companies integrate the propositions of Elton Mayo and the Human Relations Movement perspective into their human resource management techniques by recognising the workers need for acknowledgement. As observed, workers tend to be more productive when they feel that they are an integral part of a group or the organisation and when their work is appreciated. The management of modern day organisations involves these perspectives to motivate employees and boost their morale. When an employee senses that the organisation is taking an interest in him, he will be motivated to enhance the execution of his tasks. Workers also perform better when there is internal stimulus, from within the working group rather than when there is pressure from management. Thus, the management must ensure that too much pressure or control is not placed on the worker. Instead group dynamics should be studied and control should be accorded to each group correspondingly. The propositions, laid down by Mayo have also taught organisations the importance of relationships. By maintaining healthy and positive relations with the workers and strengthening the relations at each level of the organisation, the management can further augment employee motivation, satisfaction and productivity. Mistrust or animosity should not be allowed to develop between the workers and their superiors. Communication is also an essential aspect of keeping a worker motivated. There ought to be adequate two-way communication between supervisors and workers. Instructions should be properly and unambiguously given to the employees. Further, employees feedback should be given due recognition. Their problems, complaints and suggestions should be heard and taken into consideration. Mayos suggestions also help organisations comprehend the importance of teams in the workplace. Groups and their functioning play a crucial role in the operation of the organisations. The integration of group or team goals with the goals of the company can aid the latter in ensuring greater efficiency. Freedom of movement should be conferred on the workers as it has been perceived that workers tend to do better when they have the independence to function according to their own methods and techniques. Thus, the Hawthrone Studies and the Human Relations Movement, spearheaded by Elton Mayo have made remarkable contributions to the administration and management of the human resources of an organisation. Since then, there have many developments in this field. Nonetheless, even modern day organisations choose to consider and implement Mayos notions and perspectives when dealing with the organisation of work and management of workers.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Capital Punishment Essay - Death Penalty as a Deterrent to Crime :: Argumentative Persuasive Essays
The Death Penalty as a Deterrent to Crime Brutally murdered by a man no one would have suspected, an innocent twelve-year old girl was taken from her mother. Although, this poor girl's mother was stricken with grief and anger, she did not wish for this murderer to die for her own sake, but to protect other innocent girls like her own. She sat and watched, staring into the eyes of the man who had killed her daughter. She watched as they inserted the needle containing the fluid that would take his life. Is it morally unjust to execute criminals after they have committed a certain horrific crime upon another innocent victim? Until mid-twentieth century, this had been the tradition of practice, dating back to ancient times. In the United States especially, capital punishment is a hot topic of discussion and controversy. It is a difficult issue with many different points of view. Some are pro death penalty, others against the death penalty, and yet others with mixed feelings. So many different questions originate when the topic of the death penalty arises. Some of these are cost, sentencing equality, religious beliefs, the possibility of executing the innocent, and deterrence. These are just a few of the heated issues to consider. The death penalty is deterring crime, showing that individuals in the United States will be held responsible for their actions. Some of the first death penalty laws can be dated as far back as the Eighteenth Century. This was a time when death was the only punishment for all crimes. These death sentences were done by means of beheading, drowning, beating to death, and burning alive, among others. From 1823 to 1837, the death penalty was eliminated, in Britain, for over 100 of the 222 crimes punishable by death. In 1967, after many legal challenges through the courts, executions were stopped in the United States. Finally, the Supreme Court placed a suspension on capital punishment in 1972, although later allowed it in 1977, under certain conditions (Changes). Cost plays a major role in the death penalty. Opposing views say that it is far more expensive to execute someone than to give them life without parole. On the other hand, many others disagree. It has been estimated that life without parole cases will cost 1.2 million to 3.6 million dollars more than that equivalent to using the death penalty. On average, a life without parole sentence lasts thirty to forty years, while the annual cost of imprisonment is 40,000 to 50,000 dollars for each prisoner or more, each year (Lowe).
Monday, November 11, 2019
Media as extension of man
Marshall McLuhan is widely considered as one of the most important intellectual figure of 20th century and widely noted for his contribution on media culture and philosophy of media studies. McLuhan rose to international fame in 1960s when his work on mass media and its effect on social and individual behavior was published. . His remarkable observations on nature of simple things those have central importance in defining the cultural and behavioral outlook of society. In predicting the role of media, especially through modern revolution of electronic revolution and use of computers, views of McLuhan adopted futuristic tone in stating the extended role of medium itself as the message, from its earlier perception of just being a carrier of the message. He realized the importance of electrical processes in shaping and defining the reality of world, views that have been validated especially after computer revolution and increasing integration of world through internet as chief medium of communication and medium of message Medium as Message As a prelude to understanding the media as the extension of man, McLuhan puts particular emphasis on the importance of medium itself that is generally regarded as just a carrier of messages or information as playing the role of message. This implies that the medium through which the messages are being communicated is not an inert entity, rather it participates in the process by extending the role of man and contributes by adding further dimension in affairs with help of technology. In the context, McLuhan uses his famous example that dwells on nature and role of electric light. Light, as McLuhan points out, is not just a medium of information, but also complete information in itself. Although the general and common view puts actual significance on the content of the message that light visibly carries and ignores the role of light itself, the fact remains that it is the medium itself that defines the scale and nature of human association with the information (McLuhan, 151). McLuhan illustrates this by signaling out major corporations such as IBM, GE and AT&T who took time to realize the fact they are not in the business of producing machines and equipments but in the business of channeling information. McLuhan argues that media also similar and defining effect on social and cultural psyche of people. Notwithstanding the content that it carries, it’s the media that has transforming powers on the society and people. Thus McLuhan dispenses with the notion that media as a medium can be treated as a passive entity, unresponsive and non-participative in the entire process of information processing that it is facilitating in its capacity as a medium. A television, radio, or telephone engage people irrespective of the content that they deliver and thus extends the role of man through their technological inputs. Before the advent of electrical age, the age of computing and information technology there was ambiguity over the role of medium as the message. But with the instant speed and extent that electricity has provided, media as a medium has certainly become as the message and it contains the potential to institute change, alter the paradigms and establish new cults irrespective of the nature of the content that it carries and delivers. Assisted and buoyed by technology, media extends the role of man. Media as extension of Man Technology plays a central role in McLuhan’s theory of media as extension of man. The extension, as it is apparent, is the extension of the mental faculties, knowledge, approach and culture of the man in the changing world. The electric technology has helped man to grow his conscience and mental capacity to attempt to comprehend things on a far greater scale than ever possible. In words of McLuhan, the stimulation provided by electronic technology represents the final extension in role of man where creativity, knowledge, and consciousness will collectively grow and extend over entire humanity in affecting the extension of man. The role of technology is evident in the process as it’s the diligent pursuance of technology that has brought transformation of world into a global village. People are interacting with each other on changed scales and electric speed, by causing a rapid contraction of social and political forces to create an implosion that increases people’s sense of responsibility and acts on different groups of people to alter their previous positions and integrate them in the new order of things. Commenting on the expanding field of human desire of knowledge, McLuhan says that electric speed and reach has made concept of partial and incomplete knowledge an obsolete thing. Mankind now vie for wholeness, completeness and depth of knowledge, in conformation with the changing form of electric age over its pervious mechanical world. There is a renewed sense of finding out the world once again, armed by newly realized power of electric and computer technology and in its new extension, mankind doesn’t want to accept things in their previous forms. Rather it aims to overthrow imposed patterns and declare the individuality of things and events in totality (McLuhan, 149). The role of new technology in media has always created conflicts and challenges in the society until finally it extends the role of man and then overtaken by new emergent technology. McLuhan presents two strong instances of this fact (McLuhan, ). First when he quotes Alexis De Tocqueville, who was first to master the understanding of print and typography technology, to inform that De Tocqueville had predicted rise of America and relegation of England from their approach and reaction towards the new technology of print in media. England, burdened with its tradition of oral laws, did not fully accept the new technology of print and as such choose to ignore the power of new media. America on the other hand embraced the new technology and hence was benefited immensely by the uniformity and continuity that new technology of print culture had to offer thereby extending their role in the contemporary world. Taking this argument further, McLuhan theory can be stretched to further dimensions that a similar transition is taking place with the advent of new electronic mediums of computer and information technology. In fact, McLuhan himself states that to many people in the contemporary literate world the new media technology would appear as unsettling as the technology of print would appear to tribal natives of remote Africa. Thus the new electric technology guiding media in forms of television, computers, movies, information technology, Internet and mobile phones demands a similar extension of man over rudiments of past age of mechanical technology, detribalizing society senses through its blinding speed and seemingly infinite capacity to channel and process information. In a very pertinent analysis of the new emergent media, riding on electric and communication technology, McLuhan states the new media presents a possibility to completely overrule the cognitive, analytical and cultural traits of the societies it affects because this medium is made much more strong by having its content as another medium which is usually print or speech. The new media gives the power of vision, voice and interaction to an already potent media of print that it integrates in its own design, and in the combined synergy it overpowers the viewers who are left numb and awestruck (McLuhan, 114). The nature of the modern media also plays a very important role in extending the role of human mind and consequentially the whole society. McLuhan presents his important and famous demarcation of mediums as ‘hot’ and ‘cool’ mediums. A hot medium as defined by McLuhan is one that involves high definition, high data processing, and requires little imagination on the part of viewer. On the other side a cool medium is one that is not high definition, has low amount of data and users have to apply considerable imagination and their own creativity to comprehend the whole picture. Thus categorizing media in these two categories, McLuhan points out that by this definition a radio is a hot medium and a telephone is a cool medium, a movie is a hot medium and TV is cool medium, a photograph is a hot medium and a cartoon is a cool medium. A very important feature of the hot and cool medium emerges by virtue of their definition. A hot medium demands little participation by viewers, in the sense that it is so complete in information that it leaves little for imagination. Similarly, the cool medium is involves a higher participation by people because it leaves many gaps to be filled by audience. Hot and cool media play very different role in affecting the psyche and culture of the society where they unfold. In this context McLuhan states that developed countries having specialized themselves with mechanical technology of past age face the fear of retribalizing by the new electric media whereas the less developed nations that encounter the new technology extend their role by detribalizing themselves. Thus the less developed countries in themselves cool medium, while the developed and highly urbanized western countries are hot medium. The role of media has extended the role of man by changing his very perception of world. While the preceding mechanical age was focused with expanding the horizons of world, rediscovering and redrawing the limits of human knowledge and hence affecting a cultural and knowledge ‘explosion’, the modern technology pushing ahead media has reversed the process by bringing everything together, thus affecting a kind of implosion where entire world practically faces itself through the media. People, willingly or unwillingly, have been clubbed together, sharing the same space with more and more people. The electric media, it can be safely said, thrown every one is every one’s else life. In what can be surely reckoned today as one of the most prophetic statements, McLuhan clearly said that the new electric media has a remarkable capacity to decentralize the functioning of society, a fact that is more than evident in our modern world. But writing in 1960s, McLuhan had predicted that whereas mechanical system requires some fixed centers of operation and hence lead to development of great urban centers, electric power would decentralize the social-cultural space by providing equal opportunity to every place and hence as any place, equipped by power of electric media can act as center. This change and extension of social roles is almost complete today as we can see that through a combination of electric mediums of computer, telephones, video conferencing, Internet, and electric power any room or place can act as the center of large operations. This is the power of new media that is implicit in McLuhan’s writing, transforming every one’s earlier role and nature of functioning. The nature of modern media, acting through computers, Internet and information technology, is all encompassing and sweeping, just in lines of its predecessor forms of media. The theatre, when it emerged took over written form of drama; movies took over all the novels and written work and TV took over the movies. Today computers are perfectly poised over to take over all the forms of media. Radios, Televisions and gramophones helped many hitherto obscured persons for example poets, artists, speakers, and writers to gain recognition world over. Today the power of information technology expands this role further by bringing further convergence of world as we see it. In affecting this convergence it is simultaneously delegating new roles to people that has the responsibility to interact and evolve in much closer proximity of every body else.         Â
Friday, November 8, 2019
Ethnic Stereotyping
Ethnic Stereotyping Think Twice Before You JudgeEthnic stereotype is a false statement that has been repeated so many times that is accepted by many people as generally true. The use of ethnic stereotypes often leads to misunderstanding and hurt feelings. Some stereotypes, based on unbiased observations of actual behavior, can be accurate and useful. During my first semester at KCC my friend and I went to the library to get a current event from the T.V. for an upcoming assignment. As we were watching the news, she commented that she was afraid of North Korea more than Iraq because, and I quote, "Don't take this the wrong way, but Koreans are cruel ruthless killers." I was completely shocked and speechless. My Korean blood was boiling inside, but I managed to act cool and said that there are cruel people in every community. Of all things I didn't expect her to make a rude comment like that.J. and P. CoatsI felt really upset because she is my best friend and I couldn't possibly think why she said somethin g so rude and hurtful.Name-calling, pre-judgments, false assumptions of ethnic stereotyping are all examples of small-scaled problems in our society. Ethnic stereotyping can lead to irrational fear, suspicion and hate that will represent a major threat to democratic and open society. This can also lead to social harm when the categories we create to group people become the basis for prejudice. As a society we need to become more culturally competent. This is having cultural awareness and sensitivity towards others. Cultural competence teaches appropriate behaviors, respect and mutual understanding. We need to learn respect what we may not always understand another individuals experience. We need to accept the fact that we may not always know everything. We need to have the willingness to pursue information in...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Aztec and Empire Raised
Aztec and Empire Raised Aztec and Empire Raised-field Agriculture Essay 1. Ancient Americas (Pre-columbian) Mesoamerica Agriculture: Cultivation of cacao Chocolate used by elite as money and to consume (with water not milk, no cattle) Corn-meal (mixtamal) Only place that used corn meal Use of the planting stick (coa) Z Raised field lake argo (chinampas) Cultural practices Ball game Didn’t have the same language or religion (this was their similarity) Construction of multiplatform pyramids Calendar 18 20-day months +5 days, combined with 260 day ritual calendar Forms a 52 year cycle Olmecs Early Village life, around 2000 BC Olmec culture flourished 1200 BC to around 500BC Are they the origin of Mesoamerican culture? Tiwanaku Settled around 1000BC Flourished 400-1000AD First Major kingdoms Developed the ideas that the kings associated with the sun and they wanted their own land First major Andean Empire Raised-Field Agriculture Imperial colonization and Evangelization Built things out of rock therefore it lasts and tells us about how they lived and what they did 2. Aztec Empire (Pre-Columbian) classic maya and teotihuacan were there a 1000years before texcoco Aztecs and tlalcopn Founding of Tenochtitln 1200: Mexica arrive in Valley of Mexico ca. 1200 1345: Teno. was founded Tenochtitlan was in the very center of where Mexico City is now 1428: Founding of triple alliance; defeat of Atzcapotzalco 1428-1440: Reconquest of Valley of Mà ©xico A Religion of Empire? Cyclic understanding of times: months, years, â€Å"suns†Use of human sacrifice associated with Huitzilopochtli cult Aztec imperialism and religion therefore closely related Aztec Social Structure Tecuhtli: political and military leaders, judges Warrior: initially, a social group open to new members; perhaps not by 1500 Pilli(administrators) and priests: mainly inherited, but also attainable through education Macehualtà n (commoners), pochteca(merchants), and craftspersons Tlatlacotà n (slaves) 1519: An Empire in Decline? End of â€Å"productive†conquest Lack of social mobility Resentment of conquered peoples 3. Atlantic Slave Trade (Colonial) Labor and Colonialism 1600s-1740s: Colonial American economies already based on export: silver, sugar, cacao, dyes 1700s onward: Industrial revolution creates demand for raw materials and portable, urban calories 1740s to 1850s: Sugar, rum, molasses, coffee, cotton†¦ SO WHO WILL DO THE WORK Relationship to sugar and coffee estates, especially in Brazil Triangle of Trade around 1800 Manufactured goods from Euro to W. Africa Slaves from W. Africa to Brazil, US, Caribbean Sugar, tobacco, cotton, molasses, coffee from Brazil, Caribbean, US to Europe (and slaves from Caribbean to US) Historical Effects of Slavery & Plantation Society(FROM BRAZIL PPOINT) â€Å"Use it up mentality†: Destruction of Atlantic Forest to make way for coffee plantations Econ based on export ag (Sugar, coffee, rubber) until 1950s: Boom & Bust Economic and education inequality largely based on race Social impacts Mixed mode of production, monoculture, and colonialism/neo-colonialism 4. Brazilian Empire (Independence-Era) 5th largest country and 5th most populous (170 million) President Dilma Rousseff Pre Conquest Brazil Human habitation since ancient times: 500k at conquest, thousands of tribes Large parts of Amazon had been settled by 1500 Black soils: anthropogenic enhancement of the land Discovery and Colonization Discovered 1500 by Pedro lvares Cabral en route to India Initially used for Brazilwood and other extraction Sugar became main product by 1550 Independence & Empire 1807: Napoleon invades Portugal (court escapes to Braz.) 1822: Regent dom Pedro I remains in Braz when most of court returns to Europe Braz ruled as an empire until 1889 End of Empire 1889: Emperor dom Pedro II abdicates; establishment of oligarchic republic 5. Caste System (Colonial) Unequal social structure based on race Castas- indigenious, black,
Monday, November 4, 2019
Women and Men Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Women and Men - Essay Example institution of marriage, women seized the right to self-assertion. Reacting to oppression women revolted against the implementation of feminine gender roles.†(Thomas, Deborah) To be able to function in her role as wife and mother, a woman needs love, understanding and support. This work is an effort to throw off the shackles that bind women in many ways because of her gender. Christopher Marlowe’s poem The Passionate Shepherd to His Love, deals with a shepherd who only wants his woman to come and live with him. But hidden in those loving words is an ulterior motive, quite practical in nature, although it is couched in the terms of true love, namely his â€Å"passionate need to possess the woman.†(The Passionate Shepherd to His Love / Critical Essay on â€Å"The Passionate Shepherd to His Love.†). He is not in need of her love, but usefulness. The critic, Metzger, is of the opinion that she is â€Å"reduced to a caricature ridiculously clothed in floral tributes.†She does not have even a name, an identity or a voice but â€Å"exists only in the shepherd’s plea.†In short, if you are a woman, you are simply a nonentity. John Steinbeck’s masterly work The Chrysanthemum carries this idea further but in a different vein. Like the object of Marlowe’s lover, Elisa the central character of this story, also exists solely to play up to the male’s vanity. To function as a mother and wife, a woman needs support, appreciation and understanding, which she hardly seems to receive. The literary critic, Ernest W. Sullivan II, looks at the story from the perspective of Elisa responding as a dog. Elisa obeys her inner instincts and is submissive to the male characters in the story as a mongrel would to a male that exudes superiority. Here also the relationships are lopsided as in the foregoing works. Elisa is a lesser being because of the dictates of her gender. Thomas Hardy’s poem The Workbox is more morbid in its implications than the rest of the stories
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Advertisement of cars Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Advertisement of cars - Essay Example This advertisement is the reflection of the vanity and pride which the Mercedes possess, and it transfers the same to its customers. The intent of price was to restrict and warn the interested parties who simply approach for the sake of details but are never serious about procurement. The intent behind the publication of the price on the advertisement was to apply a filter to obtain serious customers only. It is important to note that colour of the car in the advertisement. There is a high possibility that this model has been launched with different body colors, but why color black was chosen? Black is a reflection of elite and privileged class, the colour has more admiration against criticism therefore black was perfect choice. The position of the car is itself a key to perfect advertisement. In this advertisement, the company has shown the complete layout of the car. Generally, the manufacturers prefer publication of the front, possibly because the side view is not at all attractiv e. In this advertisement, Mercedes has been dignified enough not to follow the common trend and has published the side view to give the interested customer better information about the product. In the advertisement, it is common practice as per which the precisely you reflect, the true customers you target. The precise projection of the brand will be the key in the identification of the interested customers.The one-word CHECKMATE is the reflection of the perfection and quality which the product inherits, as per the vendor BMW.... This advertisement is not for youth and energetic crowd, it is for people with style and devour. In dot at the end of checkmate is another important part of the advertisement, though it is a simple dot but it symbolizes the pride of the company. The intent of advertisement is not to appeal or request the interested customer; rather it is only information from the company. In this advertisement, the company has been reluctant to share any information about the brand, and has published the contact details. The intent behind such a strategy can be that probably there are other new models for customer review. The colour and font of word CHECKMATE are clear, but the colour of the web address posted by the company is not at all visible for the public especially during night time, therefore the advertisement will probably fail to communicate the message. Keeping in view that the target audience of the brand is elite and rich class between an age group of 45-60, the selection of fonts and co lour is not perfect. Advertisement - III This advertisement by Audi has been regarded as offensive approach of Audi against BMW. In this advertisement, the manufacturer has been blunt about its vehicle and has tried to publicly challenge its competitor. The target crowd of this advertisement is not the general customers, but the management of BMW and its customers. AUDI has simply challenge the design and model of BMW, and has launched their distinct model. After studying this advertisement, we conclude that the company has tried to avoid detail description of the brand and its feature, and has tried to resemble its product with the world's outclass automobile
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Critical assessment of the difficulties of implementing motivation Essay
Critical assessment of the difficulties of implementing motivation theories in the modern workplace - Essay Example Understanding of such problems would help improve employee response and motivation resulting in better output and achievement of organizational goals. 4 There are many motivation theories however most popular among them are behavioral theories of Maslow and Herzberg. The chief features of these theories needs to be understood before we can dwell on problems in their practical implementation. According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, there are five categories of needs viz. (1) physiological, (2) safety, (3) social, (4) esteem, and (5) self-actualization. They form a pyramid structure with the lowest and broadest physiological need at the base. Pyramid also illustrates the fact that breadth of needs, as we graduate up the pyramid, gets reduced indicating that the need is finely tuned and well defined. In order to have fully motivated workers each lower level needs to be satisfied before one can graduate to higher level needs. Maslow made a supplementary hypothesis that physiological, safety, social, and esteem needs on satisfaction, ceased to motivate, while the self-actualization needs motivated an individual more as they got satis fied. Maslow's premise was that it is the growth choice that propels an individual toward self-actualization - that of individual growth or "filling one's potential."(Maslow, 1954).A worker wise need analysis is a tough task and may even result in manager forgetting main work related goals. People are individual and it is so difficult to meet everyone's need at their required level. Such needs may be sourced outside the work place.Herzberg used Maslow's lead as a base to build his motivation-hygiene theory. According to him the hygiene elements relate to low level needs (physiological, safety, and social). For an individual, hygiene conditions include company policy and administration, supervision, relationships with peers and supervisors, work conditions, salary, status, and security (Markiewicz, 2002). Paucity of hygiene factors can lead to dissatisfaction or lack of motivation and account for 69% of the factors which cause employee dissatisfaction or lack of motivation. The motiv ation conditions, which include achievement, the job itself, recognition, responsibilities, and personal growth, accounted for 81% of the factors which contributed to job satisfaction. The hygiene conditions are extrinsic factors while the motivation conditions are intrinsic factors, and the only way to sustain motivation toward organizational goals is through the achievement of intrinsic outcomes. 5 Each of these theories carry ideas consistent with human nature, however each faces limitations within organizational settings. Because lower order needs are generally satisfied in the workplace today, managers have to deal with how to provide esteem and self-actualization to their employees, and that can be a nebulous concept to a manager who demands results immediately. As Stolovitch and Keeps state," Another
Monday, October 28, 2019
Experimentation Essay Example for Free
Experimentation Essay Cell Transport Mechanisms and Permeability: Activity 2: Simulated Facilitated Diffusion Lab Report Pre-lab Quiz Results You scored 100% by answering 4 out of 4 questions correctly. 1. Molecules need a carrier protein to help them move across a membrane because You correctly answered: d. they are lipid insoluble or they are too large. 2. Which of the following is true of facilitated diffusion? You correctly answered: c. Movement is passive and down a concentration gradient. 3. Examples of solutes that might require facilitated diffusion include You correctly answered: d. all of the above.Which of the following would not affect the rate of facilitated diffusion? You correctly answered: a. the amount of intracellular ATP 08/30/12 page 1 Experiment Results Predict Question: Predict Question 1: What effect do you think increasing the number of protein carriers will have on the glucose transport rate? Your answer : a. The glucose transport rate will decrease. For facilitated diffusion, increasing the concentration of glucose on one side of the membrane is the same as You correctly answered: b. making the concentration gradient steeper 3. When all of the membrane carriers are engaged, or busy, we say they are You correctly answered: a. saturated. Â Na+ Cl- had no effect on glucose transport because You correctly answered: b. odium is not required for glucose transport in the simulation. 08/30/12 page 3 Review Sheet Results 1. Explain one way in which facilitated diffusion is the same as simple diffusion and one way in which it is different from simple diffusion. Your answer: Simple diffussion moves molecules from an area of higher concentration to lower without an input of energy. facilitated follows the same rule but uses protein carrier molecules to allow substance that are fat solubles to diffuse through the cell membrane. The larger value obtained when more glucose carriers were present corresponds to an increase in the rate of glucose transport. Explain why the rate increased. How well did the results compare with your prediction? Your answer: My prediction was wrong the glucose transport rate would increase 3. Explain your prediction for the effect Na+ Cl- might have on glucose transport. In other words, explain why you picked the choice that you did. How well did the results compare with your prediction? Your answer: The rate should stay ther same 08/30/12 page 4
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Types of Exercise in Sports
Types of Exercise in Sports Sport was known as part of exercise where most people used to stay in healthy lifestyle. Exercise is the bodys physical exertion. The main function of exercise is to achieve a higher level of fitness and health, for both physically and mentally. Sport is an competitive,organized, skillful, and entertaining physical activity. To be the winner, the player requiring commitment, strategy, and fair play that can be defined by objective means. Sport was divided into few categories where it divided into different categories age and gender. This arrangement usually helps them in order to give a comfortable exercise to certain people. There will be not a old man are doing heavy exercise like going gym. Of course only to those who young want who they are full energetic. Human being will destroys the good condition for lack of activity, to save it and preserve it do some movement and methodical physical exercise. Sport exercise gives so many health advantages to people who take advantage from i t. Participating one on physical activities can add further years into yourself, and the more you will exercise, the more benefits that you get. You will also get to avoid health diseases and also delay our death when you regularly engage yourself upon physical activities as well as sport exercise. Light sport also known as simple exercise, were usually use by most people when they are having little time to exercise and have a problem of doing heavy exercise. It commonly practices by elder people, pregnant woman, patience and young children. This is the opposite of when a person is having an active lifestyle and exercising.  This study focused on the important of doing somethings to breaks throughout the day to stand up and move around. Step out from the environment you are, take quick walk outside, and walk up and down the stairs few times around the building. A light exercise involves small movement, time and energy to perform. Light exercise is a kind of exercise that usually causes less energy and stamina. It is also make the person less sweat and dehydrate too. Although to some people who is in this range feel that it make cause less tiredness, but it work within long term effect rather than do nothing. This exercise actually creates a light movement between the ank le, muscle joined and heartbeat. The moment when they do a walk, it takes a 3 combination and less energy to perform. The longer the person walks, the more tired they will be. This is because the effect of doing light type exercise in a long term. It also giving another long term effect is they will slowly overcome the matter of leg pain for long walk exercise. This exercise usually did not require any special attention and can be perform at any time as they wish. From home to office, from young to old doesnt give any problem. But it recommended for the person who listed earlier to perform for their capability over to stay in health. Here is some few example of light exercise which is categories of light exercise. They are walking, stretching body, Chinese Tai-chi, gardening, cycling, dumb bell and much more. The second type of exercise is so called medium exercise are usually perform for moderate person at different age. It doesnt care any of the gender arrangement or requirement. This medium exercise usually performs in small amount in time and to those loves to save time. This medium exercise requires an amount of concentration, energy or stamina, time and place. It also can be perform by a group of people and solo. It train a lot of body part and cause performer to sweat a lot dehydrate even much more compare to the light exercise. It might be also need some specified skill to perform on the right way because once they perform it on the wrong way, it may cause muscle cramp. For the short term effect, it may reduce smoker to smoke. This is because they might exhaust but only exercise reduces the chances of taking any nicotine and tar in their body. This will make the smoker not to take any cigarette as their throat is drying and if let say they smoke, this person might be in very high chance for getting throat cancer. In the long term effect of this medium exercise, it may bring a healthy lifestyle and physical attitude as well. The long term effect usually takes time to as to the person especially in their daily mood. The person who less exercise, their face is pale or looks tired but if compare with the person who do exercise, they have more energetic and confident looks. This effect also will bring close relationship and build up strong neighborhood if they done it together. But to some people who are disable, they also can perform sport as the part of their exercise. They perform in sport like track sport, field sport like futsal and more according to their convenience. It is proven where the is special sports day were introduce just for them. There are few example of medium type of exercise that practice by most people. They are cycling, walking uphill, jogging, Tae Kwan Do, swimming, running, and much more. This some part is actually providing sufficient li festyle to avoid any of negative impact or disease. Hard or professional type exercise is another kind of exercise where this involves to active people and to people loves diet. This type usually takes a lot of concentrations as to prevent any side causes or muscle injured too. Plus this exercise requires all of energy and full stamina. It also have to be assisted by professional incase of not clear or not sure about it. This exercise performs by athlete and to all active people. It takes all the energy and power to perform while it also takes a full concentration to play the sport. If suddenly the player lost concentration, it may cause a major injury and might be cause paralyze too. The physical activity involves the movement of people, animals and/or a variety of objects such as balls and machines or equipment. This professional exercise, usually require a place that suit to the sport like stadium, or gym center. It also can be perform on the game court too as to a game like basketball or tennis. This game gives everyone a chance t o practice on how to work with team and think a strategy to win the game. Like basketball, from what we see is a 3 versus 3 games. But in the three people they need teamwork so that they can pass the ball and score. Besides that, they also need to think a strategy on breaking through opponent defenses and score without playing fault. In gym, they will train in specified machine to help them in body building. This training in gym is especially in abdomen and shoulder where they are 85% chances in use of the body part. They also have a chance on meeting new people to train human skill and share their experience together. Whenever you indulge yourself into sports, you were even meeting new people. Apart from being an exciting and joyful activity, sports give a lot of various advantages to our character. It can serve as a good source of pleasure. Sport is a fantastic physical activity, and this may also develop a better physical image than these persons who do not do it. Training is als o give a chance to provide them more time to be control the stage of games too. With a fully all strategy, teamwork, training, concentration and full energy, there is no way for other to any change to stop them from growing. Plus physical activities can significantly help from the decline of ones depressive symptoms. Persistent health problems are usually preventable with routine exercise. When you make this a habit to workout daily, you will be able to avoid unsafe health problems from any kind of cause. Exercise forms is resistance for the body, also it functions on strengthening your muscles. Sports, one of the most active activities compare to other where it cause the heartbeat and sweat part of the entire body toxin out. Plus it reduces chances of getting sick or even flu. In every minute the heartbeat, the body pulse is double than usual where it give chance to human to breath twice as fast to capture the oxygen the blood cell. Every human pulse requires a full concentration where it helps to keep on line of the body blood cycle. If let say they over the limit of one minute heartbeat, they might get faint as also heart shock and body cramp. This are often happen to some of the athlete where they push up the maximum limited of their body level. There are also can possibility cause of easily broken bones if they did not train. This effect actually related to calcium consumption and exercise training. In research of health central, there will be long and short term effect. In the short term effect, it increases the flexibility of the bones and strengthens the bones and joint especially when playing an outdoor sport. But in long term of sport, this will reduce the chances of broken bones, delaying muscle loss, and reduce risk of loosen the bones and joint. Therefore, sport does play an important role in humans life as they bring a healthy life to even live longer.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Black Boy :: essays papers
Black Boy Richard has many different ideas on how to deal with racism. Throughout the entire first part of the book he makes many references as to what he believes could help the problem. Although the most frequent method he practiced to deal with racism was acceptance, Richard does not believe this is the best way to handle it. Richard believes that educating oneself about racism bests combats the problem. Through education, Richard thinks that people can more easily come to realize how severe the problem is. He believes that far too many people are simply accepting racism because they don't know what it is like to live without it, and have no idea how to go about ridding themselves of the problem. Richard feels that if both whites and blacks could know what it would be like without the institution of racism running many of the aspects of their daily lives, then both races would benefit from this knowledge and change the nature of many of their actions. The belief that people need to be educated about the subject is commonly supported throughout the text. Entering the seventh grade Richard first realizes that racism is never talked about seriously. He thinks to himself, "Nothing about the problems of Negroes was ever taught about in school; and whenever I would raise these questions with the boys, they would either remain silent or turn the subject into a joke. They were vocal about the petty individual wrongs they suffered, but they possessed no desire for a knowledge of the picture as a whole.". This shows how Richard is aware of the lack of education, and also brings to light his misunderstanding of why there was a lack of education. Richard believed at this time that the reason blacks were not educated about the subject and nothing was ever done was because of white authority. The truth was the reason lied much deeper into the human character, and originated equally, if not more, from action the blacks took (or didn't take). Many southern blacks at this time had no idea of what life without racism would be like (besides the 'fairy tales' of a non-racist northern society). And because of most peoples' natural desire to maintain traditions (and promote a static reality), even when changing traditions would prove beneficial far in excess of the costs of the change, the majority blacks themselves in the south took no real action to promote change.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Business Communication for Success Essay
Language. Language for business documents is important because you have to make sure the language used in it is up to the standards that it should be and therefore make sure it shows the formality of the document subject. For example, sending a letter out that comes across casual or has abbreviations/ jargon then it may not be perceived as being professional or important. This is why it’s important to consider the language you use in business documents to come across professional and formal with your language. Tone. It is important to consider your tone. This is because the tone you use when writing business documents becomes the subject of the message and therefore the way you present yourself needs to be considered. Your tone is essentially your attitude that is being put across. It’s just as important to use the right tone in written as it is when verbally speaking as they both have an equal effect on the other participant. Thus meaning, depending on the situation, depends on how you should adjust how you’re coming across. For example, you need to know when to show confidence/assertion or when to be apologetic as well as conversational, to some extent, whilst still maintaining some sort of professionalism that you need to. Image. In business documents, the most important image is the company logo. By sending documents out with the company logo on it allows people to not only recognize the company by the name but also allows the image of the company to become recognizable. Presentation. When documents are presented correctly and formally it allows people to know that we are a professional, legitimate business and that everything is taken seriously. Like before, when speaking about the image and the company logo, it is important that the logo is presented properly and clearly. For example, making sure that it is clear and not pixelated and that the logo is also to the right size and hasn’t been stretched out. When integrating an image into a document, it can easily be done in Microsoft Office Word as it enables you to insert any sort of pictures or graphs etc. To do this you just go to word and click â€Å"insert†and then it should give you the option of inserting a picture. You then browse your files and find where you want to get the picture from and then insert it. Corporate identity is how a business/ organization is recognized by, not only the customers but also the employees and other businesses. For example, their company logo or the colors that they primarily use. This is what people associate the company with. This means that when companies send out emails, letters, posters etc, they become noticeable by the logos etc that are being put on them. By this happening means that the business becomes well branded. This will then hopefully result in the company becoming widely recognized and growth of the business. Corporate identity is important on documents in order for this to happen. If business documents didn’t have things such as their logo or their business colors on then people wouldn’t make any sort of connections as there’s nothing associating the letter with the business. Data protection. Data protection is designed in order to have legal control over both work and personal documents (whether they be computer documents or paper). It was made so that when storing personal information about people such as addresses, medical conditions and so on, it gave the people legal rights if anything went wrong or information was misused. This means that when handling clients documents, we have to make sure to keep any information obtained secure and private and make sure not to discuss it with, or in front of, any external people. Copyright. Copyright is the ownership and rights of your own work. Businesses have to make sure their work isn’t copyrighted in order to stop other companies stealing their ideas without their permission; so fundamentally just acts as a safeguard to their original work. Things such as trademarks are put in place to stop this from happening. Intellectual property. Intellectual property is essentially inventions created by ones self-such as name, images/ logos etc. Like copyright, intellectual property is also protected by things such as patents, copyright, and trademarks. This is put in place to stop any business documents produced by the company being used and branded by other businesses and therefore means that your business ideas can flourish and stay protected. Version control is the management of different files and documents. The management allows you to control the source and changes that are made to it. It then furthers to show you who made the changes and why they did so. When files are saved, you can tell which ones were the first/second draft and which one is the final by the way that it’s saved. It is usually saved with both the date and the draft number. For example, 04122017V2. â€Å"V2 standing for version 2†. When handling documents in a business, the majority of the time it contains personal information that shouldn’t be seen by anyone other than those that work there. If documents somehow got out or were mishandled, it’d be a breach of the data protection act. To stop this from happening certain security procedures are put into place. For example, client documents have to be stored out of reach and sight of any other clients or external people. It should be dealt with integrity and only be handled by those who are authorized to do so.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Lincolns Use of Presidential War Powers essays
Lincoln's Use of Presidential War Powers essays Recognizing Abraham Lincolns position at the onset of the Civil War, it is evident that many of the actions and decisions he carried outset groundbreaking precedents for future presidents. The prescribed precedents are on the forefront of todays political stage George W. Bushs role in initiating the war with Iraq bears great resemblance to Lincolns nineteenth-century strategies. Nevertheless, while the principle underlying both of their plans is similar, the reality of the situation is that Bush manipulated Lincolns precedents in such a fashion so as to justify a war that simply was not necessary. Thus, while Lincoln and Bush may have acted in a comparable fashion, Bushs actions and strategies ultimately prove to be the negative consequences of Lincolns actions and subsequent precedents. Indeed, Bushs political and policy strategies for the War on Iraq have exploited Lincolns well-intended precedents and have disrupted the checks and balances system that is critical to the success of the American government. Lincoln used his presidential powers extensively during the start of the Civil War; to the point that some people actually believed he was stretching them beyond the Constitutional limits. In the first months of the war, prior to the convention of Congress, Lincoln expanded the regular army, called for volunteers, and spent federal funds that had not yet been appropriated. Support for these actions was yielded by his own claim that once Congress met, they would surely approve his actions. Stretching his war powers as commander in chief, Lincoln ordered a naval blockade of Southern ports and substituted martial law for civil war in numerous states. This action was legally equivalent to a declaration of war, a power expressly reserved to Congress in the Constitution. However, it can be argued that because the war was defensive in nature, the President did not need the authoriz...
Monday, October 21, 2019
British army in Afghanistan
British army in Afghanistan Introduction The war in Afghanistan that broke in2001 evoked the intervention of the United States and United Kingdom. The main aim of intervention was to topple the Taliban and ensure there is liberty in the capital invaded by the Taliban. Helmand province has been the center of concern of the British army.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on British army in Afghanistan specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More British have the largest troop in Afghanistan followed by the United States. The number of British troops amounted to 9500 in 2009 and consisted of marine, sailors and even airmen. From 2001 to around March 2010, the British military forces have lost about 275 military personnel in this war and most of them died in Helmand. British have been applying conventional military forces in the conduct of counterinsurgency operations. The war in Afghanistan started with the conflicts between the British army and the Al-Qaeda and t he Taliban group as the supporters of Al-Qaeda squad. The struggle between these groups has turned out to be a complex counterinsurgency effort, which is an armed conflict carried out against an insurgency or a revolt. This is usually carried out by the armed forces allied with the government that is in power in the territory where the conflict is happening. The insurgency group aims at controlling the authorities in the territory they target like the case of Afghanistan. Counterinsurgency seeks to eliminate these insurgents as well as protecting the authority invaded by the insurgents. This has been the mission of British army in Afghanistan. British army has been using conventional military forces in their attempt to eliminate the insurgents in Afghanistan. This approach has been conflicting with the United States approach where they use unconventional military forces. The use of this approach by the British army has been criticized of being ineffective but British army still push for it. It could be argued that this is the only approach that the British army has and therefore they see every problem in Afghanistan as being solvable using the approach. This could be related to Abraham Maslow’s quote that â€Å"when the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem becomes a nail†The objective of this essay is to discuss the extent to which the quote compliments the British use of conventional military forces in the conduct of counterinsurgency operations in Afghanistan. The quote explanation applied For purposes of this essay, the quote â€Å"when the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem becomes a nail†is taken to mean that when one has only one approach (hammer) to a problem, he sees all problems (nails) similar to the one solvable using the approach. In another case, if the approach has worked in the past for several diverse problems, it may be viewed as a universal approach.Advertising Looking for essay on internatio nal relations? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Also where all the other methods have failed, the remaining options becomes like the hammer and all the other problems becomes the nails. This may sound vague but the British army found their use of conventional military forces in their counterinsurgency operations the only hammer compatible for the nails related to the insurgents. According to Maslow, when an individual lacks enough knowledge or training for solving a certain problems, he proposes the same approach to all the problems2. For every problem encountered, the same solution is used or proposed. The idea in this case is that it is better to use the approach that is well known rather that the attempt to use another approach whose skills one does not have though may be more effective. The unfamiliar approach, however effective it is will not be proposed for solving a certain problem because it may prove ineffective if a pplied without the relevant skills. British army in Afghanistan The mission of British army in Afghanistan is to eliminate Taliban and Al- Qaeda groups in Afghanistan. The Taliban grouped is accused of helping the Al- Qaeda group in their terrorism acts. The experience that the British army has had in Afghanistan leaves them with the only option of using conventional military forces in their counterinsurgency operations in order to hush the insurgents. Despite the conflicting opinions of the American and the British armies, the approach seems the best for the British army. The American army opinion is to use unconventional military forces to eliminate insurgents in Afghanistan and protect the people and the territory central authority. The British army advocates the use of conventional armed forces where there is no use of weapons of mass destruction like nuclear weapons. This will eliminate the effects of nuclear weapons that may be suffered by non insurgents. The challenge posed t o the military forces involved in Afghanistan is distinguishing the non insurgents from the insurgents. The British army argues that the only way possible in eliminating the insurgents is to use conventional armed forces in order to protect the other people not involved. The conventional warfare involves direct confronting the opposing party using conventional weapons that are non chemicals. The weapons are aimed at hitting the opposing army and the fight b9is done in open ground. The general idea of conventional warfare was to destroy the military force of the other party and weaken them so that they do not get a chance to use conventional warfare.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on British army in Afghanistan specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The British aim in Afghanistan is to weaken Taliban and the Al-Qaeda groups and make them to surrender. This tactics if successful may be helpful because it will completely elimi nate the opposing group. The approach will cause a lot of deaths because it involves direct confrontation. In forcing capitulation, every opposing force victimized and confronted and completely forced to surrender. The Taliban and the Al-Qaeda groups have been involved in a lot of world terrorism and the tactics to use unconventional method may seem to fail or have failed in some instances. The British army feels that the tactic of forcing the two groups to surrender will eliminate terrorism. Unconventional warfare is based on the ground that victory is not achievable without compromise. The tactic used is to win the support of one part of the opposing side and weaken the other thus eventually subdue the enemy. Non conventional warfare as opposed to conventional warfare involves the use of hidden tactics in fighting the enemy. These may be referred to as guerilla tactics where the two opposing forces are not aware of what the other group is planning. Conventional fare adopted by the British army believes in no compromise and aims at eliminating the opposing group or force them to completely surrender. The tactics and the outcomes of the conflicting groups are known and well defined. This approach is criticized of being non tactical and lack of fighting skills. It has resulted in many deaths and the Afghanistan government is calling for an alternative approach of fighting Taliban and the Al-Qaeda without causing loss of civilian lives. According to BBC News, in 2008, about 829 afghan civilians were killed in the attempt by NATO to fight Taliban insurgents1. The adoption of conventional warfare by the British army adoption of the conventional warfare in fighting insurgents in Afghanistan shows that the British army lacked fighting skills in fighting the Taliban and that is why they use the non-tactical method. The Quote In Relation To British Conventional Military Forces in Afghanistan The quotes is true in the context of British involvement in Afghanistan fight against the Taliban in that we will always experience problems that could be solvable by the tools that we have. The experience of British conventional military forces in conventional warfare is the only tool they had for countering the problem that they experience like the Taliban and the Al-Qaeda group. In a higher sense, the use of conventional military forces to confront the Taliban and the Al Qaeda group was an indication of lack of tactics. The conventional warfare is related to lack of fighting tactics and adopting direct confrontation that exposes your tactics to the enemy.Advertising Looking for essay on international relations? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This shows that the British Army is applying one solution to every problem that is caused by the conflicting group. Taking in to consideration that the Taliban and the Al Qaeda groups cause many terrorism acts that may require different approaches to solve, it would indicate that British army proposes one solution to all the terrorism cases or other problems caused by these groups. That is conventional approach based on the notion that direct confrontation of the two groups will solve all the problems they cause. The conventional approach is the only tool (hammer) that the British army uses to solve the problems (nails) caused by the Taliban group. The approach is applied in solving all the problems caused by the Taliban but this may not be effective since different problems require different solutions. According to Maslow, the quote could mean lack of diverse skills or solution to a problem such that one applies the same solution to many problems2. Every problem caused by the Talib an in Afghanistan is taken as a nail solvable by the conventional approach, the hammer. The other explanation of the quote is that if all the other methods have failed, the only remaining solution will be attempted in all problems. The British army has been in Afghanistan for a long time and may be the only way out is conventional armed forces deployment. This will mean that the British army will take every problem as being solvable using the only available way out. The conventional warfare will be applied in all situations. The war in Afghanistan has been more intense until the British majority of the public thought that it was un-winnable3 Conclusion The quote â€Å"when the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem becomes a nail†affords a clear description of the British conventional armed forces involvement in the counterinsurgency operations in Afghanistan. They apply conventional warfare which may not suit the diverse tactics of the Taliban group. Conventional arm ed forces may not be effective inn Afghanistan and is facing much criticism. Footnotes 1BBC, Shift needed in Afghan combat. London: BBC News, 2009. Web. 2 A Maslow, Father of modern management: Maslows Maxim / Maslows Hammer. California:, 2009. Web. 3 P Tristan, NATO and US Troop Deployments Casualties In Afghanistan. New York: The New York Times Company, 2009. Web. Reference List BBC, Shift needed in Afghan combat. London: BBC News, 2009. Web. Maslow, A, Father of modern management: Maslows Maxim / Maslows Hammer. California:, 2009. Web. Tristan, P, NATO and US Troop Deployments Casualties In Afghanistan. New York: The New York Times Company, 2009. Web.
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